As we have entered 2024, we are pleased to present the now familiar “On the 2024 Agenda” papers. Please share them with your contacts, use them as “leave behinds”, or use them as annual updates for your boards and board committees. With respect to the audit committee agenda, the business and risk environment has changed dramatically over the last year, with greater geopolitical instability, surging inflation, high interest rates and unprecedented levels of disruption and uncertainty. Audit committees can expect their company’s financial reporting, compliance, risk and internal control environment to be put to the test by an array of challenges – from global economic volatility to wars in Ukraine and the Middle East to cybersecurity risks and ransomware attacks and preparations for climate and sustainability reporting requirements, which will require developing related internal control and disclosure controls and procedures. This is compounded by uncertainty in the UK regulatory landscape and in particular the extent to which internal control frameworks will need to be strengthened, evidenced and assured as a result of the on-going UK governance and audit reforms.

Drawing on insights from our interactions with audit committees and business leaders, we have highlighted nine issues to keep in mind as audit committees consider and carry out their 2024 agendas. Click on the following links to read more:

On the 2024 audit committee agenda

On the 2024 board agenda

On the 2024 nomination committee agenda

Please get in touch with our team if you have any questions regarding any of the latest “On the 2024 Agenda” papers.