To meet your ambitions for a more sustainable business you need to manage the impact across your whole supply chain. In doing so, you can unlock the opportunities that a more sustainable supply chain brings. That’s why supply chain transformation should be central to your sustainability ambitions and targets. Together with the ongoing disruption facing supply chains, it’s also why they’re rising to the top of the C-suite agenda. 

How we help you build a sustainable supply chain

Our award-winning supply chain and procurement team help you improve the sustainability of your operations. We provide cutting-edge thinking on sustainable supply chain management. And we underpin that with leading digital solutions and tools. 

  • Understand the risks and opportunities. Our supply chain sustainability assessments enable you to measure, monitor and manage the risks across your supply chain – and seize the opportunities.
  • Accelerate your supply chain decarbonisation plans. We support you in determining emissions hotspots within your supply chain. That enables you to prioritise actions for decarbonisation. We also help you engage your suppliers to take the necessary action. And we’ll review  your procurement activities to support your ambition. 
  • Make sustainability business as usual for procurement. We help you integrate ethical and sustainable thinking into your day-to-day processes, so that it becomes business as usual.  
  • Advance supplier inclusion and diversity. We help you establish supplier diversity programmes, set goals and ambition, develop execution strategies, and put in place the management framework to monitor, measure and manage effectively.
  • Identify human rights risks and due diligence. We provide you with a clear picture of human rights risks associated with your operations and value chain. That allows you to effectively monitor, manage and report on human rights issues, and support with compliance monitoring and any required remediation.

Some or all of the services described herein may not be permissible for KPMG audited entities and their affiliates or related entities.