Exploring practical matters in a COVID-19 climate.

KPMG in the Isle of Man held a TCSP webinar mini-series, which commenced on 25 June 2020.

As part of our previous webinar series, we focused on the importance of managing and forecasting cashflow during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the focuse changed to medium-term resilience and recovery, we addressed some of the practical matters facing company directors. Whilst the webinars placed a focus on examples from the corporate services sector they included content relevant to all company directors.

The series covered: 

  • The Duties of Directors in a COVID-19 climate - 25 June 2020
  • Insolvency considerations and practical steps - 2 July 2020
  • Valuation of investments - 9 July 2020

If you have any questions, please email them to webinars@kpmg.co.im.

Watch the webinars

TCSP Webinars | Thursday 9 July 2020

Our third, and final, TCSP webinar explored investment valuation in a COVID-19 climate: - Recap of IPEV guidelines and IFRS 13 requirements - Thoughts regarding valuation of investments in volatile markets - Auditor expectations when assessing carrying values

You can watch the recording of our webinar below and download the slides from this week:

Session 3 slides - 9 July 2020

TCSP Webinars | Thursday 2 July 2020

The second webinar explored the assessment of solvency of companies: ​​​​​​​ - What is solvency? We considered the law regarding assessment of insolvency - How do you assess solvency? We looked at examples assessing cashflow, balance sheet position and contingent and prospective liabilities; and - Why an assessment of solvency is so important? We included a discussion on the insolvency asset protection regime and how this could impact you as a director. ​​​​​​​ Edward Renton, a Tax Senior Manager from KPMG UK provided some practical input for Isle of Man companies dealing with HMRC. We were delighted to be joined again by Peter Clucas and David Doyle from Cains, who offered useful information and assistance to ensure directors are aware of their duties and responsibilities with respect to solvency.  Peter Clucas is the Managing Director and Head of Litigation at Cains Advocates Limited and David Doyle is a Senior Legal Advisor and former First Deemster and the author of a number of leading Manx judgments on the duties of directors. Together with other colleagues at Cains they advise a number of TCSP’s and indeed the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority, forming a wealth of experience and knowledge in these issues. 

You can watch the recording of our webinar below and download the slides from this week:

Session 2 slides - 2 July 2020

TCSP Webinars | Thursday 25 June 2020

The first webinar explored the duties of directors in a COVID-19 climate. To explore this topic, KPMG was joined by Peter Clucas and David Doyle from Cains, who offered useful information and assistance to ensure directors are aware of their duties and responsibilities. You can watch the recording of our webinar below and download the slides from this week:

Session 1 slides - 25 June 2020
