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We look back on a decade characterised by low interest rates, low inflation, rising share indices, high returns in the alternative environment combined with low borrowing costs and a relatively stable geopolitical situation. 

These conditions have enabled many companies in the financial sector to reduce their cost-income ratios (CIRs). However, the entire financial market is now facing a challenging time: it is operating in a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), i.e. in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment.

In this situation, companies should exploit previously untapped potential in their processes, technologies and organisation and position themselves for the future. In particular, the automation and control of processes in an end-to-end view and the linking of relevant KPIs are essential in order to survive in the market. Our 360° expertise in operational excellence is your compass through uncertain times, helping you to achieve your goals.

Chart (in German only)

Five theses that will change the future of operations

1. All processes are designed to be modular and open to technology, as well as self-learning and prescriptive.

2. The organisational structure of Operations consists only of various cross-functional competence centres.

3. In day-to-day business, people are only responsible for exceptional cases, the rest is done by the machine.

4. The management of operations is based on real-time data, interlinked with strategy, product, business and regulation.

5. The digital platform forms the basis for a symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence.

Fields of action on the way to the future of Operations

Operational excellence is a holistic approach - from process organisation to organisational structure. Our integrated 360° consulting approach along the following seven dimensions enables you to maximise your potential:

Challenges of our customers

  • Little own process understanding
  • Process analysis is carried out without including relevant data
  • Implementation of fragmented "temporary" optimisation solutions
  • Lack of process KPIs prevents performance measurement and process control

Our service offering

  • Tool selection and implementation of process mining in the E2E process
  • Development of optimisation solutions taking into account future-proof technological possibilities
  • Implementation of data pools and data models for a data-based continuous improvement process
  • Visualisation in control dashboards

Challenges of our customers

  • Insufficient work instructions for guidance in daily work processes
  • Processes are "patterns" and do not reflect reality à hardly any TARGET-ACTUAL comparisons possible
  • Content is redundant and rarely supports current information and knowledge management.

Our service offering

  • Company-specific assessment and support in the selection of modelling tools
  • Qualification of employees through (customer-specific) modelling training courses
  • Process documentation according to the latest standards and creation of a process map
  • Linking sfO and communication concept to ensure information transfer

Challenges of our customers

  • No E2E process responsibilities or authority to act
  • Rigid structures instead of flexible value stream oriented organisation
  • Tension due to increasing professional requirements and shortage of skilled workers
  • Hardly any targeted use of specialised service providers as process modules

Our service offering

  • Value stream analysis and conception of a flexible organisational structure
  • Conception of E2E process responsibility incl. competences in connection with the process map
  • Development of future-oriented TARGET competence matrix for employees
  • Support for business process outsourcing projects

Challenges of our customers

  • Unused standardisation potential
  • Existence of a large number of product variants and process variations
  • No process modules that are delimited in terms of content and can be integrated in a technically flexible manner (one process fits all)

Our service offering

  • E2E process analysis with the aim of technical and IT modularisation
  • Cost-benefit and utilisation analysis of existing products and definition of target product portfolio
  • Creation of a product-process matrix to identify necessary process steps for each product
  • Development of a target operating model

Challenges of our customers

  • Future-proof and competitive business model
  • Growth and cost pressure
  • Implementing changed (regulatory) requirements in a resource-efficient way
  • Realisation of potentials that go beyond the formulation and implementation of an IT requirement specification

Our service offering

  • Best-practice approach model for the transformation of business processes for the purpose of digitalisation & automation
  • Shortening of automation projects due to predefined value propositions
  • Use of workflow tools with focus on credit processes (e.g. customer portal, contract creation, credit decision, etc.)

Challenges of our customers

  • Outdated and rigid technologies, high effort and costs for maintenance, further development and modernisation
  • Lack of flexibility and scalability with increasing demand density
  • Keeping up with technology trends and associated attack vectors, as well as maintaining the necessary security level for this

Our service offering

  • Holistic architecture strategies and consideration of the latest infrastructure concepts (e.g. cloud)
  • Sourcing strategies for scalability and flexibility
  • Establishment of (cyber) security concepts as an integral component
  • Planning and implementation of the transformation(s)

Challenges of our customers

  • Redundant data storage, different methods of updating and lack of overarching correlation
  • Individual processing of issues such as existing and new customer approach & sales
  • No usability of existing empirical values for e.g. trend analyses in the context of NPP

Our service offering

  • Goal-oriented linking of data sources based on definitions of rules and logics (e.g. pattern recognition, trend analyses)
  • Design and implementation of comprehensive platforms for the orchestration of process chains
  • Establishment of mechanisms for the enrichment of downstream processes