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Current Issue:

The new edition of our newsletter on transactions in the global chemicals industry glances back at the significant deals that took place in Q1-Q3 2023 and provides further insights on the industry’s market trends.
  • M&A activity in the chemical sector is expected to remain consistent for the remaining year despite the subdued nine months of deal activity caused by geopolitical uncertainty, rise in inflation and high interest rates.
  • Increasing volume of strategic deals to support optimization of portfolios in line with changing customer needs as well as integration of sustainable options and establishment of robust supply chains will continue to drive growth in deal activity, predominantly within specialty chemicals.
  • Despite the various headwinds faced by the industry, deals continue to transpire with a heightened sense of caution. This caution is underpinned by robust company balance sheets and ample private equity dry powder.
  • Sustainable solutions and product portfolio expansion continue to remain key priority areas for companies to establish resilient supply chains. 

Preview of the KPMG Deal Capsule Chemicals Newsletter