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The ever-increasing complexity of processes and procedures, instruments and tools makes quality management more difficult. Successful management can now only be mastered in the long term with the help of extensive digitalisation. In recent years, companies in all sectors have automated and digitalised their management systems more and more. This facilitates the increasingly complex decisions of management, but at the same time the processing of approvals, deviations and changes, for example in the context of escalations, took up more and more working time of managers and specialists.

While a large number of companies are able to use and integrate the systems efficiently, there are other, often medium-sized companies with a far-reaching tradition, which find it rather difficult to implement them. For example, many companies rely on outdated quality management methods instead of integrating a timely, efficient and individually oriented process.

Digitalisation is accompanied by increasing regulatory pressure, for example in data protection. Legal requirements must be taken into account when installing management systems and play a decisive role in verification and certification. Furthermore, they are a sign of the company's integrity towards business partners, customers and other stakeholders. However, digitalisation does not eliminate all existing challenges in the area of technical assurance. It merely serves to make management systems better and more efficient. The prerequisite is a general openness on the part of management and employees.

Digital, individually adapted and therefore integrated management systems can be used at almost any point in an operational process, taking into account the requirements of process, compliance, risk, safety, quality and environmental management. Each company must clarify for itself at which point automation and digitalisation can be used in a meaningful way.

Overall, the automation of management systems to support decision-making helps managers to concentrate more on those parts of their work that no software can take away from them: entrepreneurial thinking.