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ESG is moving from the periphery to the mainstream, transforming the capital and finance market. In 2021 alone, funds invested in sustainable and ESG-oriented funds increased globally by 53 per cent to US$2.7 trillion.

Driven by the EU Green Deal and EU climate policy, Europe is leading the global transformation in the capital and finance market. Increasingly, institutional investors are reaffirming their desire to integrate corporate ESG performance into their investment decisions. Many companies want to take advantage of this momentum to finance themselves sustainably. At the same time, they are not familiar with ESG-specific requirements and market standards.

KPMG experts provide advice at this interface and ensure a tailor-made ESG financing solution in the client's interest.

Our support for your ESG-related questions

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How do I link ESG meaningfully with the financing strategy? Depending on the business model and the financing objectives, suitable ESG financing instruments are implemented.

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Which ESG financing instruments are suitable for my company?

Depending on the initial situation, various sustainability-related project or financing instruments are suitable.

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What role does ESG play for my IPO?

Due to the strong increase in ESG-oriented investment volumes, a "sustainable" equity story is of crucial importance for transaction success.

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What are the benefits of a positive ESG rating for me?

The increased attention and increased overall demand for new issues lead to better financing conditions.

Our solution

KPMG's experts lead a structured process that relieves the client's management capacity and achieves measurable results while taking ESG aspects into account. We support you every step of the way on ESG-specific issues such as the choice of the appropriate financing instrument, the design of KPIs, the choice of ESG rating agencies and the consideration of ESG-specific IPO requirements.

The best possible financing conditions are achieved through the selection and structuring of suitable ESG financing instruments.


Company-specific analysis of the ESG-specific requirements of the capital market in the run-up to the IPO or spin-off.