The more firmly sustainability is anchored in corporate management, the more effective the sustainability measures will be. However, such anchoring is not yet widespread in the TMT sectors. There are often no defined targets and key figures to which ESG activities can be aligned.

  • The selection of business partners can have a significant impact on a company's sustainability rating. In order to reduce risks, analyses of suppliers and sales partners should be carried out. Around half of TMT companies do not carry out risk analyses and are therefore unable to check compliance with ESG standards along the value chain.
52 %

of the TMT companies surveyed do not carry out risk analyses along the value chain.

34 %

have no person or department responsible for sustainability.

  • Although the majority of respondents have defined sustainability targets for the three ESG dimensions, only one third also have corresponding key figures (see chart). Many TMT companies are therefore unable to measure the achievement of their targets. Consequently, in these cases it is difficult to determine whether the sustainability measures have been successful.    
  • Good data management is a prerequisite for successful sustainability management. Our survey results show a heterogeneous picture here. The maturity level of ESG data management varies greatly depending on the aspect and dimension.

Measurement of sustainability activities

To what extent has your company defined sustainability targets and key performance indicators (KPIs)? (n=150)

Download industry reports

In order to paint a clearer picture for the sectors, we have published three separate reports in which the survey results are analysed in detail per sub-sector and enriched with recommendations for action. The reports can be read individually, but also side by side to recognise similarities and differences between the three TMT sectors.

We wish all readers an interesting read.