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It is the approximately one million full-time staff members who are responsible for fulfilling the church's mission every day. Nevertheless, the personnel situation is increasingly becoming a challenge for dioceses and regional churches. In our handout "Personnel Development in Church Legal Entities" we explain what exactly these challenges mean and show how targeted personnel development can meaningfully counteract them.

Demographic change, digitalisation - and the image question

Some aspects can be identified which also affect the labour market of other sectors, but which have a particular impact on the church. One of these is demographic change. The workforces of church employers in particular have a high average age. Where fewer young qualified people are coming on board, the challenge of meeting the digital transformation is also increasing. Furthermore, church employers are confronted with a loss of reputation and a changed role in society.

Dovetailing personnel selection, assessment and qualification

How can dioceses and regional churches effectively counteract this? In this context, our handout points out the possibilities of effective personnel development strategies. Those who proceed in a targeted manner can develop staff professionally and personally, increase job satisfaction, strengthen the orientation towards the mission of the churches and promote attractiveness as an employer.

Such a strategy should be thought of as a holistic concept that meaningfully interlocks the dimensions of personnel selection, personnel assessment and personnel qualification - as well as harmonising them with the organisation-specific goals and the cultural environment of the churches.

In order to develop an appropriate concept, it is therefore worth taking a look at the following questions: 

  1. What competences do we need? Carry out a needs analysis and align the planning of the workforce in terms of time and content with the results.  
  2. What competences do our current staff have - and where are there deficits?Clarify what the role-dependent skills of current employees are - and where there are still gaps. This concerns, for example, social and professional skills, but also leadership skills. 
  3. How do we build up the necessary competencies in a sustainable way? Based on the information gathered, develop training concepts and suitable measures with content, space and time close to the actual work.

Feel free to download our handout

As a church employer, use the potential of effective personnel strategies to make your organisation more efficient, more effective and more attractive with the aim of fulfilling the church's mission in the long term. 

We are happy to provide you with our handout for this purpose.