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Real estate companies increase efficiency with these digital tools

The real estate sector was able to show high growth rates for years. Now the sector is under pressure. There are considerable challenges. In the third edition of our whitepaper series "Real Estate + Innovations", our experts analyse topics, trends and technologies and provide recommendations for navigating the volatile industry environment. The focus is on digital tools.

Various factors are currently causing uncertainty. Social and political discourse calls for more living space, and decarbonisation plans are to be implemented. But do the necessary investments pay off in view of rising interest rates and construction prices?

Tools for more resilience and performance

Determination and foresight are essential in the transformation process towards a more sustainable and digitally supported real estate industry. Digital innovations provide companies with the tools for resilience and performance. In three chapters, our authors explain which innovations can be decisive for future growth:

  • Planning + Building: The first chapter deals with the beginning of the life cycle of a property. The majority of the data needed in the real estate industry is generated during the planning and construction of buildings. Our authors explain applications for efficient and sustainable construction, from collaboration tools to digital twins and robotics.
  • Value creation + management: The second chapter explains how the data generated can optimise processes in subsequent life cycle phases and value creation stages. Topics range from marketing to facility management to metaverse and artificial intelligence.
  • Living spaces + networking: The third chapter is about how future cities can be designed. For increasing urbanisation, various adjustments are necessary, not only with regard to mobility. Digital innovations support the implementation of long-term solutions.

Project development + collaboration

Collaboration tools combined with innovative enabling technologies such as workflows, artificial intelligence and robotics make it easier than ever to work together more efficiently.

Modular Building + Lean Construction

Modular construction and lean construction management make a "perfect match" for efficiency and effectiveness in construction.

Building in Existing Contexts + Digital Twin

With modern technologies, the creation of a digital twin is not only possible in new construction.

Circular Economy + Building Information Modelling

BIM makes an important contribution to promoting the circular economy by enabling the integration of material and resource information into the planning and construction process.

Marketing + Metaverse

The metaverse and extended reality create innovative marketing opportunities for buildings and spaces.

Facility Management + Smart Services

Through intelligent use of data, classic FM services become smart services and integrate user and operator interests.

Property Management + Artificial Intelligence

In the area of conflict between cost pressure and service flexibility, property managers are dependent on intelligent support.

Asset Management + Data

Stringent data management is the essential success factor in asset management of the future.

Urbanisation + eMobility

Electromobility will promote sustainable, liveable and technologically advanced cities and thus be an important driver for future urbanisation.

Neighbourhoods + Social Networks

With the help of social networks, digital services can be combined with the real world in neighbourhood management.

Living + Open Systems

The variety of standards and systems for smart homes will continue to increase, but will also generate innovative use cases for commercial buildings.  

Infrastructure + Connectivity

A critical success factor for the marketability of buildings and the fulfilment of increasing usage requirements are high-performance infrastructures.  

Buildings + Data

Data generated with IoT only becomes actionable information through the direct use of artificial intelligence and data analytics in the building.  

Cities + Connected Services

Smart cities will automate the management of public infrastructure (utilities, traffic and transport) to a greater extent and offer an expanded range of electronic services.

ERP + Digital Ecosystems

Modernised ERP systems form the backbone of company-wide data management and integrate the digital ecosystem of highly specialised real estate management solutions.

Sustainability + Blockchain

Sustainable business management requires verified data - this is driving blockchain use and PropTechs can support with combined data and platform services.

Business development + automation

The deep integration of robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and process mining technologies is becoming a key efficiency driver in the company.

Data + Cloud Computing

On-premise data lakes are being replaced by multi-cloud environments and fully mobile IT landscapes.    

Digital transformation + employees

Digital enablement and guided cultural change are crucial for the speed of digitalisation and the realisation of unique selling propositions.

Cyber Security + Data Protection

The increasing relevance of cyber security and data protection leads to new, more professional management roles.  

Corporate Real Estate + New Work

The working world is undergoing profound change. The focus is increasingly on collaborative forms of work, for which the necessary technical and spatial conditions should be created.

Public Real Estate + Digital Transformation

Real estate companies should move away from existing isolated solutions and establish an integrated ERP system. In this way, digitalised processes can converge on a central database.

Hotel + Operational Excellence

Hotel companies should not only focus on bookings in the customer journey, but also think about the entire stay up to the hotel operation with digital solutions.

Retail + Mobile Data

Mobile data offers the possibility to analyse the pedestrian frequency within a property and its surroundings in detail. The use of mobile data thus contributes to the success of stationary retail concepts.

Audit + Digital Finance

The increased possibilities to analyse large amounts of data lead to the fact that the audit of financial statements is also becoming more and more digitalised. The auditor's technological competence plays a decisive role in this.

Valuation + Data Analytics

Innovative technologies for data analysis make it possible to value real estate and properties automatically. Thus, they offer great potential for increasing efficiency in terms of time and costs.  

Tax + Automation

If tax processes are standardised and automated, the increasing cost pressure and the lack of professional staff in the real estate industry can be counteracted.    

Law + AI

Moving away from repetitive activities towards a creative interface between clients and AI: legal tech will simplify complex transactions and real estate contract drafting.    

ESG + data models

In order for companies to successfully plan, manage and report on their sustainability activities alongside their finances, they need a digitally supported ESG data model and management.

Demographic change + digital assistants

For a self-determined life into old age in familiar surroundings, the use of digital assistants at home will be essential in addition to the transformation of residential properties.

Further information (in German only)