Our success depends on the quality of our employees and on their thoughts and actions.

Dealing well with clients and colleagues under challenging conditions

We observe the development of the markets with an open mind and a critical eye to see what impact they have on our clients. The conditions under which we work are demanding. Our reputation as one of the leading accounting firms is based on how our people respond to these conditions and interact with clients and colleagues. For this reason, we offer a working environment in which everyone can be successful, develop optimally and in which performance is encouraged. In this way, we have created a corporate culture that promotes strengths and identifies development potential in mutual respect for each other. Our employees should be able to develop their personalities and realise their full potential.

Attractive jobs for the best applicants

KPMG creates the necessary scope for the personal development of its employees and invests specifically in training and development. Our goal is to create attractive jobs for all our employees. We aspire to be the employer in our industry that the best cannot pass by. This means taking our responsibility towards our employees seriously. We have the tools to do this. Our values, to which we are committed worldwide, set high standards for competence and conduct. In this way, our clients benefit in many ways from our experience, analyses, perspectives and ideas.

International orientation more in demand than ever

Our multidisciplinary approach - the cooperation of our business units - has been and continues to be very successful. We place particular emphasis on the international competence of KPMG and our employees. This is because the global influences on our clients' businesses are constantly growing and increasingly require an international orientation of our business units. Our clients expect us to think as globally as they do. With our worldwide network of legally independent firms with over 236,000 employees in 145 countries, we can deliver globally on our core promise to our clients and business partners: With our expert knowledge, we deliver clarity in an increasingly complex environment - around the world.

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