Strategy, Customers & Operations

Strategy, Customers & Operations

KPMG works with you to determine how you can best define the operating model that helps your business deliver on its strategy.

KPMG works with you to determine the operating model to help deliver on your strategy.

Businesses today must deal with constantly-evolving macro trends, global issues and industry challenges. Business leaders, continuously seeking to achieve a competitive advantage position for their organizations, are challenged to understand which global patterns are most relevant to their industry, how and when they should act to be in a better position than the competition, and how best to balance investments. All levels of government and public sector organizations face new complex challenges. Increased public scrutiny, the need for fiscal sustainability and an ever-growing demand for citizen services has forced many governments to seek new ways to balance effective delivery of such services against long-term budget considerations.

The current environment creates the need to respond faster to changing dynamics and the opportunity to have adaptive processes, technologies and people to increase value, manage risk, increase revenues and control costs.

Our Strategy, Customers and Operations professionals consider the changing global and local conditions and market challenges before addressing each organization’s pressing concerns. We help our clients envision, develop and execute dynamic business strategies and build the organizational capabilities required to continuously improve and adjust them. We focus on all aspects of business operations to develop efficient and effective operations aligned with the business strategy that can drive not only cost savings but improve business value and mitigate risks.

We provide a broad range of support through the following services:

Customer Advisory
  • Customer Experience
  • Customer Journey Management
  • Customer Communication
  • Customer Retention Management
  • Campaign Management
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Onboarding
Strategy & Transformation
  • Performance Oriented Organizational Design
  • Target Operating Model
  • Sourcing Strategy
  • Supply Chain & Collaboration Management
  • Supply Chain Automation/Machine to Machine Optimization
  • Organizational Change Management
  • Product Development Guidance/Strategy
  • Innovation Management
  • Markets & Channels Optimization
  • Portfolio Management
  • Program Management
  • Project Management
  • Benefits Realization
  • Change Management
  • EU Funding Program Support
Operational Performance
  • Operational Management
  • Operational Performance Improvement
  • Business Process Automation
  • Quality Management/Standards


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