Keeping pace with evolving technology trends remains vital to business growth.

Be determined, not deterred. Despite the headwinds of global economic uncertainty, Digital transformation leaders that are committed to their innovation priorities continue to realize value at pace.

In our latest survey – the KPMG global tech report 2023 – digital leaders are bullish in their belief that embracing technology across all facets of their business is bringing productivity gains.

Whether it’s a focus on building trust in their services or investigating how AI can help serve them, our latest report shows that technologic advancement is not being slowed by the uncertain economic climate.

Read the full KPMG global tech report 2023 to understand where your business sits in comparison to the others out there. 

Key findings

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KPMG global tech report 2023

Technology leaders are determined to keep their organisations digital transformation on track.

Download the full report (PDF 2.9MB)

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KPMG Connected Enterprise

KPMG professionals can help you harness technology to build a connected enterprise. That's an enterprise where your front, middle and back offices are aligned. An enterprise where you're more connected with your customers, employees and business partners. An enterprise that enables you to respond quickly to market signals and pivot to help seize opportunities as they arise. KPMG Connected Enterprise is a digital transformation approach, that’s industry-specific and customer-centric. It helps focus critical processes, functions, and relationships of a business on meeting customer expectations, creating business value and driving sustainable growth in a digital world.

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