Cyprus Audit Committee Institute

Cyprus Audit Committee Institute

The Audit Committee Institute provides audit committee members with professional development, resources and access to a community of professionals.

The Audit Committee Institute provides audit committee members with professional advice.

Cyprus Audit Committee Institute

As an audit committee member or non-executive director, it’s important to keep abreast of the latest issues in order to overcome the challenges you face in today’s economic climate.

The KPMG-sponsored Audit Committee Institute (ACI) is a growing international network that provides complimentary guidance and a variety of resources to audit committees. It is designed to update and refresh the skills and knowledge that enable each member to fulfil their role within the board.

Initiatives include a comprehensive programme of both topic and sector specific events, and a variety of regular and timely publications.

If you would like more information about the ACI or are interested in becoming a member, please email us:

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