Thomas Otten

Senior Manager, Risk Consulting

KPMG in Cyprus

Thomas is a Senior Manager within the Risk Consulting team at KPMG in Cyprus. He joined KPMG in Cyprus in February 2018, after working for over three years in the Financial Services Asset Management department at KPMG Germany. He specialises in regulatory compliance and risk consulting services to clients within the financial sector, primarily investment funds, banks and investment firms. He is leading a team within KPMG Cyprus which, in cooperation with KPMG Germany, provides regulatory investor reporting as a service to international investment fund managers targeting the European market. The international KPMG team assists investment funds with a range of regulatory reports for the investors resulting from various regulations, including Solvency II (TPT) and CRR (CRSA risk weight), PRIIPs (KIDs & EPT), MiFID (EMT) and SFDR (EET & PAI report). Thomas led the design and implementation of the quantitative models used for the fund reporting service as well as designed the database setup. Moreover, Thomas is strongly involved in advising Cyprus and other European banks regarding ICAAP and ILAAP. Within his work he primarily specialises on quantitative model implementation and regulatory database transformation.

  • Financial Risk Management
  • Financial Services
  • Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance Services
  • Risk Consulting
  • Bachelor's degree mathematics

  • Master's degree mathematics

  • Master's degree management, business and economics

  • Qualified Actuary (German Actuarial Society)

  • CFA designation

  • Member of the CFA Society Cyprus

  • Member of the German Actuarial Society