It is a difficult time for public services, post pandemic, raging inflation and an all-time high national debt with citizens demanding ever higher performance from government and public services as they compare public sector performance with that of the private sector.

This has led to an intense focus on public sector productivity. Doing more with less. Aging systems, processes and restrictive procedures and working practices provide a significant barrier. As does a reluctance to embrace new thinking and new ways of doing things.

"The human element of public sector delivery always remains critical given the broad spectrum of emotional vulnerability and accessibility challenges. While each human interaction counts and our research has shown is the greatest driver of satisfaction – citizens are also crying out for substantially improved simple, seamless digital experiences, better ongoing recognition of their circumstances and access to the right advice at the right time."

Jo Thomson, Partner, Customer & Digital Consulting –
Infrastructure, Government & Healthcare

Public sector

Cost and value continue to be the key areas of concern for this sector. Improving citizen outcomes by leveraging new technologies promises to provide a way forward – but requires new thinking and the removal of a risk averse bureaucracy.

Read the sector overview

Latest insights

Say hello to your new AI colleague.

UK consumers want brands to resolve their problems quickly and with little friction however, they also do not want to interact with faceless technology. Read the CEE UK Report 2023 to discover how organisations leading in customer experience are striking the right balance between human and machine when anticipating and responding to customer needs.

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Jo Thomson


Customer Transformation

KPMG in the UK

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Jason Parker


Global co-lead of Operational Excellence

KPMG in the UK

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Beccy Fenton


Head of IGH and UK Head of Health & Human Services

KPMG in the UK
