Healthcare systems around the world are under threat. Despite the best efforts of healthcare leaders and workers alike, crises related to access, demand, workforce shortages and staff burnout continue to wave through the healthcare sector.

The pandemic was not the sole catalyst of these issues. A host of other considerations were troubling the sector long before the pandemic struck. These included aging and growing populations, increased non-communicable disease burden, economic inequality and a reliance on outdated technology, coupled with long-standing workforce supply and wellbeing issues.

Facing up to all this has placed an incredible strain on healthcare systems such as the NHS. It has also put senior leaders under immense pressure to act decisively and promptly.

What that means is that today’s healthcare leaders need to catalyse change within what are highly complex, often siloed, organisations. They need to secure their organisations’ future by building trust with patients and staff and achieving consensus on what needs to change, as well as why and how.

Processes and operations need to be optimised in a patient-centric manner and with no disruption to current day-to-day business activities, and patient outcomes need to be improved by freeing up staff time and empowering them to deliver improvements on the care frontline.

How KPMG can help

At KPMG, we’re ideally placed to assist with this. With over 100 dedicated staff in our healthcare practice, many of whom have previously worked in the sector, we understand how healthcare organisations work and the challenges their leaders face.

Backed by years of experience, hundreds of client engagements and an in-depth understanding of current global best practice, we can offer a different, but highly credible, perspective on the sector’s challenges.

Our difference

Our approach to healthcare transformation is a holistic one that taps into the combined power of technology, communities and workforces, presenting organisations with a dynamic way forward. In creating a strategy for systemic and structural change and helping to execute it successfully, we increase organisational effectiveness and efficiency, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

As the only firm trusted to set up the first Nightingale in London during the global pandemic and being called upon by the national team to solve issues around workforce models, diagnostics, elective recovery and ambulance handover delays is testament to the dedication and commitment of our Teams. We are also the only firm to have worked with 16 Trusts to implement and sustain continuous improvement across the whole organisation.

These are just a few examples of how we believe and have implemented a holistic approach that can help deliver a more inclusive healthcare system; one that uses technology and partnerships to transform care and empower the workforce. High levels of community involvement, effective public-private partnerships and the strategic use of technology can combine to provide high-quality, tailored care and earlier interventions to prevent and treat ill health.

Such an inclusive future may only be achieved however, if current approaches to technology, communities and workforces are fundamentally transformed, underpinned by a commitment to collaboration and collective responsibility.

Working collaboratively alongside health and care organisations to empower the workforce to deliver improved patient-centric services.

Supported 18 NHS organisations with a patient reach of

9 million

where KPMG and Catalysis Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) methodology has been deployed

Second largest learning provider in Europe, having supported


participants with their leadership development journey

Leading supplier of strategic workforce planning, currently covering


patients, representing £3.7bn of the NHS budget

Leader in digitally enabled, citizen centric design, utilising our annual research of


citizens to inform design

Our main areas of support for clients

Our healthcare consulting practices

Scroll through below for detail on what we can do for you

Continuous Quality Improvement

Working with healthcare providers and ICSs to deliver operational excellence and a culture of continuous quality improvement to improve quality, cost and morale.

How can we support?
Providers | Provider collaboratives | Integrated Care Systems | National programmes

Find out more here >

Integrated Care

Supporting healthcare organisations to redesign care systems around population needs to improve outcomes. Enabling our Integrated Care Systems clients to become well-led, high performing systems.

How can we support?
System Strategy and Transformation | Population Health Management | End-to-end Pathway Redesign | Provider Collaboration

Find out more here >

Workforce Transformation

The workforce crisis is perhaps now the biggest challenge that the Health & Care sector has ever faced. We know that without a skilled workforce, safe care cannot be provided. That’s why the solutions and support we offer are aligned to the national priorities for health & care, but with an ability to be agile enough to develop bespoke local solutions that address local issues.

Our team are passionate about all things workforce, and offer insights and expertise gained from working in the NHS and central government. Our workforce propositions are designed to support you in tackling the workforce challenges - each has been designed to support your key priorities, in line with the future of the NHS HR & OD report, and often co-designed with health & care organisations, with innovation and digital transformation at the heart of what we do.

How can we support?
Strategic Workforce Planning | Drivers of the workforce deficit | HR Function Transformation | Onboarding | Leadership, Culture & OD | Skills & Capability Build

Find out more here >

Data & Analytics

Data and analytics are fundamental to everything we do, ensuring all our solutions are data-driven and therefore evidence-based. We provide a comprehensive range of data and analytics services and solutions; from data strategy to data platform development to bespoke analytical services to products (via our ICAS suite) and analytics capability development.

Our team are passionate about all things data and analytical, and offer insights and expertise gained from working in the NHS and central government. We are therefore well placed to support you.

How can we support?
Data Strategy & Implementation | Platform Development | Analytics & Modelling Support | Integrated Care Analytics Services | Capability Development

Find out more here >

Digital Healthcare

Enabling digital transformation can be a challenge especially if not knowing where to start, and which digital solutions will help you most, but also bring you best value for investment.

Supporting healthcare organisations to define, deliver and assure digital transformation of care systems and national technology services. Focussing on priorities such as population health, EPR, virtual care and access to the Cloud.

How can we support?
Tech and Digital Advisory | Core Modernisation | Digital Adoption and Experience | Cyber and Trust

Find out more here >

Finance Transformation

Supporting clients to drive financial efficiency, effectiveness and value for money through all aspects of their operations.

How can we support?
Mergers & Acquisitions | Financial Improvement | Contract Management | Finance Transformation

Find out more here >

Internal Audit

Internal Audit works to provide independent assurance to the Board, Audit Committee and Executive function that strategic risk are being effectively managed and operational processes are working effectively. It looks through both the lens of controls compliance, culture and organisational values.

How can we support?
Internal Audit | Counter Fraud | Governance

Microsoft Business Solutions

KPMG Microsoft Business Solutions specialises in delivering transformational outcomes using Microsoft technologies, tailored to meet healthcare needs. This includes collaboration and tools to support modern workforce efficiency – such as Teams, Viva and Office, plus transformation of legacy applications, data and analytics solutions to harness the power of your data, cloud migration, cyber security, financial transformation and virtual healthcare / virtual ward solutions.

How can we support?

Modern Workforce | Powered Finance | Analytical Data Platform | Digital Infrastructure | Digital Health

Find out more here >

Learn how we have delivered this for CQC >


We believe that learning is how a customers’ strategy will get delivered. It has a wide role to play in supporting transformation projects, developing leadership capability at all levels and improving personal effectiveness. In addition, learning is how staff get upskilled in functional roles to better deliver what is necessary for the job.

How can we support?
NHS Leadership Academy | 4,000 Course Curriculum

Find out more here >

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