Ever since ChatGPT launched publicly on November 30, 2022, generative AI has caught the attention of users around the world – including Canada. One year on, and the number of Canadians using generative AI at work grew 16 per cent in the last six months alone, representing a 32 per cent annualized growth rate.

The benefits generative AI delivers to individuals and organizations in every industry is significant and will impact our lives in countless ways for the foreseeable future. But the technology also brings with it challenges that need to be addressed if we’re to drive value for the long term.

As generative AI re-shapes workplaces around the world, lawmakers – like those behind Canada’s AI Code of Conduct, European AI Act, and the AI Executive Order – are fervently trying to keep pace. In this shifting regulatory scene, Canadian businesses are focusing on the ethical, legal, and security implications of using generative AI to support smarter workflows, streamline processes, and foster agility.

In KPMG’s latest Generative AI Adoption Index, we examine Canada’s progress in adopting generative AI, with a focus on use cases and risks at work. Whether you’re exploring or fully entrenched in generative AI, the Index highlights will help you make informed decisions, manage risks, and integrate AI responsibly.

Download our Executive Summary today for a preview from our upcoming report

Generative AI adoption has increased since May 2023, but Canadian organizations aren’t moving quickly enough to develop private, in-house platforms – leaving them open to significant risk.



Among Canadians using generative AI in the workplace:

More than 20% of Canadian professionals surveyed are actively harnessing the power of generative AI in their workplaces.

Generative AI users report significant benefits in their working lives, with an upward swing in several key metrics from just six months ago.



Among Canadians using generative AI in the workplace:

90% of generative AI users say the tools have enhanced the quality of their professional work (up from 84% in May).

Canadian generative AI users are confident they understand the privacy risks around using generative AI. However, more than half have also seen examples of risky behaviour at their organizations.



Among Canadians using generative AI in the workplace:

There is a concerning trend of significant misuse of generative AI, including entering sensitive data at work, with 56% of users failing to verify outputs that may be inaccurate, misleading, or biased.

The gap between managing AI risks and mass AI adoption is growing – organizations need to act now to control data breaches, among other vulnerabilities.


What type of information have you entered into your AI prompts?

Among Canadians using generative AI in the workplace

13% of generative AI users have entered private financial data about their company
18% of generative AI users have entered proprietary non-financial data about their company
17% of generative AI users have entered publicly available financial data about their company

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Launching 2024: KPMG’s Generative AI Adoption Index provides fresh insights to drive a strong AI strategy and boost business value.

Research methodology

The Generative AI Adoption Index measures the use of generative AI tools among the Canadian population. The Index is based on a KPMG in Canada survey of 4,515 Canadians conducted from October 20 to November 6, 2023, using Sago’s Methodify online research platform. Of the total surveyed, 1,004 respondents said they use generative AI tools. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points, with a confidence level of 95 per cent.

The Journey to the AI Empowered Enterprise

Organizations face complex challenges in unlocking the full potential of generative AI due to concerns around operational readiness, data protection, and responsible governance. By working with KPMG, businesses can develop a comprehensive AI strategy that future-proofs their operations, unlocks new avenues for growth, and empowers their enterprise with generative AI.

Use case discovery and concept development

We collaborate with you to define the generative AI use cases relevant to your business with a focus on developing proof of concepts, uncovering opportunities, and identifying financial and operational metrics to measure success.

Technology and data enablement

We empower you to unlock and scale generative AI across your functions and broader enterprise, assess requirements and changes to your IT and data ecosystems, all while supporting your broader transformation goals.

Trusted AI

We help you design and implement a comprehensive Trusted AI strategy including customized governance, policies, procedures, and software solutions tailored for risk, legal, security, and compliance needs.

Change management and people

We guide you through an assessment of your current state and developing an enhanced target operating model ready for generative AI, while addressing employee impacts and effectively managing change.

Insights and resources

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