Family Business

Family Business

Family business account for 70% of the Global GDP worldwide

Family business account for 70% of the Global GDP worldwide

Family Business account for 70% of the Global GDP worldwide and have a series of features that differentiate them from  other companies.  While the management of Family Companies have characteristics which are unique to a Family, this type of Company is frequently searching for financing to foster growth. 

In the same manner a family grows and changes, the Family Business should progress in order to adapt to the constant changes in a Family Company’s dynamics. The future of the family members, sustaining the independent  nature of the Family Business and preserving the Family unit, depends on the growth of the Company’s business, and the Company’s ability to generate sufficient profit to all of the Family members.

Recent surveys conducted by KPMG point out that maintaining the Company’s majority interest among the  family members is a success factor to most family companies. In order for this to become a reality, themes such as the search for funds and investors, succession, and governance should be linked to this assumption. Aware of this, KPMG has structured a business advisory service focused on meeting the specific requirements of family companies.

Learn more how KPMG may help you structure your business to search for  funds required to implement your strategies, whether they are within the internal scope, including the enhancement of process management, succession and commercial management, or within the external scope,  in the raising of funds and in the search for investors. KPMG has a service  specially designed for you.

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