In the boardroom of any high performing organisation is an effective board, responsible for providing strategic direction and oversight. The board’s performance is integral to the success of the organisation.

The corporate world is focused on ESG and it is the board that represents the “G” in ESG, having ultimate accountability for the governance frameworks of organisations that they are trusted to oversee.

It is integral that the board has a process in place to test its effectiveness and to facilitate continuous improvement. The ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission both recommend that organisations periodically conduct board performance evaluations which should include assessments of individual directors and committees.

What is KPMG’s Board Effectiveness Evaluator?

KPMG have developed a personalised secure digital tool to conduct board, committee and director performance assessments. The evaluator also incorporates functionality to consider board composition and produce a skills matrix to assess whether the skills on the Board (and Committees) are what is required to deliver on strategic imperatives, highlighting any skills gaps (experience, education or cognitive) to be alleviated through succession planning or professional development.

    All survey responses remain confidential and participants anonymity is maintained throughout the performance evaluation.

How it works

KPMG’s Board Effectiveness Evaluator is comprised of three modules which may be used together or independently.

  • ✔ Through a questionnaire which explores the board’s effectiveness in each of the four elements of KPMG’s Board Better Practice Framework, the board’s effectiveness in relation to Leadership & Culture; Strategy & Performance; Compliance & Oversight; and Roles & Responsibilities can be compared against the KPMG expectation (benchmark) for similar organisations.

  • ✔ Additional questions may be added to gauge the board’s effectiveness in overseeing key areas such as ESG and cyber.

  • ✔ A 360 degree feedback mechanism which helps directors to understand the impact that they have on the board compared to their peers and hence where potential development opportunities exist.

  • ✔ Self-assessment as part of the process enables any blind spots to be identified.

  • ✔ By comparing the rating provided by each director as to their level of experience, education and cognitive skills in support of the requirements to deliver on strategic imperatives, any skill gaps that can be alleviated through board succession planning or professional development can be identified.

  • ✔ Similarly, the information can be overlaid against committee requirements to ensure appropriate composition to support roles defined within charters.

Key benefits

Digital tailored surveys

Secure and anonymous responses

Board, committee & director assessments

Board composition analysis and skills matrix development

Benchmarked results against KPMG expected performance

Supported by global insights from KPMG's Board Leadership Centre

Repeatable to compare results year on year

Shown in easy-to-read dashboards

Get in touch

Get in touch below, and download the factsheet to find out more.

    To find out more about KPMG's Board Effectiveness Evaluator Platform get in touch with a member of the team.

    You can also subscribe below to receive board insights and tools direct to your inbox.

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