

KPMG offers aged care providers with a range of audit, tax and advisory services.

KPMG offers aged care providers with a range of audit, tax and advisory services.

How well the elderly are cared for is a telling barometer of any country. Australia’s ageing population is reshaping our society and economy, as well as the aged care industry itself.

The sector is under stress responding to a Royal Commission, increasing regulation and government policy changes, while operating under challenging operating conditions. This is leading to unprecedented change as providers endeavour to meet customer expectations and remain financially sustainable. It also requires providers to prepare, respond, and act in order to remain a viable, competitive and relevant provider of aged care services.

How we can help Our advisers are committed to supporting the aged care sector and the shared purpose of achieving better outcomes for the wellbeing of all Australians.

Services include:

  • leadership and organisational strategy
  • change management
  • internal/external audit
  • technology strategy
  • implementation and solutions
  • data & analytics
  • transactions and funding
  • real estate advisory
  • financial management
  • forensic analysis
  • cost optimisation and procurement
  • governance
  • risk and compliance
  • cyber security
  • tax  
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