Appointment details

Appointment type Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Appointment date 6 November 2017
Appointees Amanda Coneyworth, Morgan Kelly
Company subject to Administration Trico Constructions Pty Ltd ACN 131 482 070 ABN 72 131 482 070
Office Sydney
Scaffolding on a construction site

KPMG contacts

Morgan +61 2 9458 1564

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Background information

Robyn Duggan and Morgan Kelly were appointed Liquidators of the Company on 6 November 2017.

The Liquidators now control the Company and are assessing its financial position. The Company is no longer trading and consequently all contractor agreements have been terminated. Please review the Circular to Contractors below for further information.

The Liquidators will be writing to creditors shortly providing further details of their appointment.

Amanda Coneyworth replaced Robyn Duggan as liquidator of the company on 6 September 2022.

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ASIC insolvency material

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission provides resources on insolvency for directors, practitioners, employees, creditors and investors.

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Coping with the emotional impact of financial distress.

Beyond Blue

beyondblue offers some useful resources for people struggling with the emotional impact of financial distress.

The beyondblue Support Service provides confidential, one-on-one counselling with a trained mental health professional.Phone: 1300 22 4636


Lifeline offers phone crisis counselling for people who are experiencing financial and emotional hardship.

Phone: 13 11 14 Australia-wideOnline crisis support chat (7:00pm to 4:00am daily)

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