Business today is under more pressure than ever to deliver superior short-term and long-term results for stakeholders, whether it needs to buy, sell, partner, fund or fix its company. By thinking like an investor, we help companies see beyond immediate challenges to future opportunities to drive strategic change, giving businesses the confidence to make the right decisions at the right time. 

We combine deep sector knowledge, superior analytic tools and a global mindset with local expertise to help achieve results. Our integrated team of specialists helps businesses navigate a complex, fragmented process, so that they can stay out in front of the issues and make their decisions count.

Buying a business

Our integrated team of specialists combines knowledge, analytical tools and proprietary data to fuel smarter, faster decisions earlier in the buy side process. We can help identify key risks and rewards throughout the acquisition life cycle – even for the most complex deals. We help align deals with strategic business objectives, maintain compliance and realise value from integration.

Buying a business KPMG’s integrated team of specialists helps you ask and answer the right questions throughout the acquisition life cycle.

Selling a business

Our Deal Advisory professionals are forward-looking specialists who combine deep sector knowledge with the foresight that comes from experience, to help businesses stay in front of the issues. From helping understand the potential risks and rewards of a divestiture to support with minimising value leakage, we assess the situation and support the company's negotiating position to help maximise the sales price and execute the deal with minimal disruption to business operations.

Selling a business KPMG’s team of specialists guides you through your divestiture, from developing an exit strategy to enhancing the value of your retained business.

Fixing a business

When a business needs to fix financial issues and improve performance, KPMG’s team of specialists helps prioritise issues and focus on the right path. We function as a trusted advisor to help unlock value at every stage.

In this rapidly changing environment, every company faces challenges. A step in the wrong direction can sometimes have significant effects on corporate performance and company value. KPMG’s integrated team of specialists guides through difficult times to deliver real results for stakeholders.

Fixing a business When you need to fix operational or financial issues and improve performance, our specialists help you prioritize issues and focus on the right path.

Funding a business

Our integrated team of trusted advisors guides the capital raising process by understanding it from an investor’s perspective. We provide honest, practical advice of real value to inform strategic decisions and help meet business growth objectives. Using clear and consistent communication, we can help develop and strengthen shareholder support for the deal.

Funding a business KPMG’s integrated team of specialists guides you through the process of optimizing your capital structure in line with your business strategy.


Creating and setting up a successful joint venture or business alliance involves specialised skills. Employing a global mindset, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists provides support through the life cycle of a joint venture or alliance, giving our global best in quality and reliable service from creation to exit.

Partnering Our specialists help you create successful joint ventures and alliances. We help increase your confidence at each step, from creation to exit.