IFRS News and Publications

IFRS News and Publications

Articles and publications issued, including Financial Instruments Newsletters, IFRS 9 Impairment Newsletters and Bank Statements.



Banks – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS Standards 13 December 2021


Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for investment funds under IFRS® Standards. 13 December 2021


New IFRS 17 transition option Reducing accounting mismatches in comparatives on first application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 10 December 2021


Fair value measurement handbook – IFRS Standards and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS® Standards and US GAAP. 1 December 2021


Classification of debt with covenants Clarifications proposed on classifying debt with covenants as current or non-current 29 November 2021


A new transition option for IFRS 17 Reducing accounting mismatches in comparatives on first application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 2 November 2021 


IFRS 9 – Classification and measurement Request for information on its application – Take this opportunity to raise your concerns 1 October 2021


IFRS 9 for insurers – Are you good to go? New guide to help insurers to account for their financial instruments 27 September 2021 


Do green loans meet the SPPI criterion? 14 July 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


IAS 1 amendments may be deferred Board revisits amendments on classifying liabilities as current or non-current 8 July 2021


Do green bonds contain embedded derivatives? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What's the impact on expected credit losses? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Potential new transition option for IFRS 17 Amendment discussed to alleviate potential accounting mismatches with IFRS 9 28 May 2021


Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for investment funds under IFRS® Standards 11 January 2021


Fair value measurement handbook – IFRS Standards and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS® Standards and US GAAP. 17 December 2020


Banks – Audit of expected credit loss Basel Committee issues guidance for audit committees on the audit of ECL estimates 11 December 2020


Banks – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS® Standards 10 December 2020


European banks and COVID-19 – Impacts on 2020 Q3 results Do Q3 results give any more insights on how the pandemic is affecting the European banks’ loan books? 19 November 2020 


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2020 European regulator highlights priorities for 2020 financial statements prepared under IFRS® Standards 10 November 2020


IBOR reform – Phase 2 amendments Targeted accounting relief for banks and corporates 3 September 2020 | IBOR reform


IBOR reform - Phase 2 final amendments issued Targeted accounting relief to ease adoption of a new benchmark rate 27 August 2020 | IBOR reform


European banks and COVID-19 – the impact on 2020 half-year results How is the pandemic affecting European banks’ loan books? 21 August 2020


IBOR reform - Approaching the end of phase two The Board has completed its redeliberations and plans to publish final amendments in August 23 July 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


How is a hedge of interest rate risk impacted by a payment holiday? 10 July 2020 | COVID-19 | Financial reporting


IBOR reform – Feedback on the exposure draft Board receives 80 comment letters following 45-day comment period. 25 June 2020 |  IBOR reform and IFRS


Canadian banks and COVID-19 – Impacts on half-year results How is the pandemic affecting Canadian banks' loan books? 22 June 2020


Annual Improvements to IFRS® Standards   Amendments to IFRS 1, IFRS 9, IFRS 16 and IAS 41 27 May 2020


Banks – Q1 reports show impact of COVID-19 How is the pandemic affecting loan books? 21 May 2020


How are expected credit losses on trade receivables impacted? (English / Chinese) 15 April 2020 | COVID-19 | Financial reporting


IBOR reform – Phase 2 exposure draft issued (English / Chinese) A tight timeline for reviewing a wide range of proposals to account for benchmark reform 9 April 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


Have borrowers considered changes to the terms of their liabilities? (English / Chinese) 31 March 2020 | COVID-19 | Financial reporting


ESMA guidance on the COVID-19 impact on reporting ECLs European regulator aims to promote consistent application of IFRS 9 25 March 2020 | Financial Instruments


How has the credit risk of borrowers and other debtors been reassessed? (English / Chinese) 20 March 2020 | COVID-19 | Financial reporting


How have economic forecasts used to measure expected credit losses been updated? (English / Chinese) 20 March 2020 | COVID-19 | Financial reporting


IBOR reform – End of second-phase discussion (English / Chinese) Preparations now underway for exposure draft in April 2020 27 February 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


Issue 2 – Thoughts on financial instruments accounting (English / Chinese) Thoughts on financial instruments accounting 24 February 2020 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus


IBOR reform – Broad discussions including new disclosures (English / Chinese) Tentative decisions, potential amendments and new disclosures 31 January 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


Consistency in disclosure of expected credit losses Recommendations for large banks to enhance ECL disclosures to meet investors’ needs 16 December 2019


IBOR reform – Phase 2 discussions on hedge accounting (English / Chinese) Tentative agreement on how reform of interbank offered rates (IBOR) may affect hedging 12 December 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IBOR reform – Blueprint for modifications under IFRS® 9 (English / Chinese) Board debates accounting for modifications to financial instruments relating to IBOR reform 23 October 2019 l IBOR reform and IFRS


IBOR reform – First-phase amendments issued (English / Chinese) The Board has issued amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 27 September 2019 l IBOR reform and IFRS


IBOR reform - First phase amendments imminent The Board completes redeliberation on amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 2 September 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IBOR reform – IFRS exposure draft issued Users of hedge accounting have only a short time to comment on the proposed reliefs 3 May 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IBOR reform – How would the proposed relief be applied? March decisions clarify how potential amendments would apply and when initial relief would end 14 March 2019 | Financial Instruments


IBOR reform – Possible changes to support hedge accounting Potential amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 as benchmark interest rates undergo reform 8 February 2019 | Financial Instruments

To find more previous IFRS news and publications.

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