IFRS news archive

IFRS news archive

Need-to-know information on international standards in the accounting and regulatory space.

KPMG IFRS breaking news | Low angle view of an illuminated globe-shaped structure

Our breaking news articles and publications can be found here.


Sustainability assurance – Proposed standard Audit and assurance standard setter seeks views 13 December 2023 | Ready for ESG reporting?


IFRIC agenda decisions - Climate-related commitments Accounting for net zero 13 December 2023  | IFRS Today


Illustrative disclosure for banks Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS® Accounting Standards 7 December 2023 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Financial liability or equity? Proposals could cause changes to classification of financial instruments and add more disclosures 4 December 2023 | Financial instruments


Fair value measurement handbook Your guide to applying the requirements under IFRS® Accounting Standards and US GAAP 23 November 2023


IFRS compared to US GAAP (November 2023) Your guide to the significant differences 22 November 2023


Global minimum top-up taxes in 2023 reports Your questions answered 21 November 2023


Business combinations under common control Project to drive consistency in reporting now discontinued 17 November 2023


Comparing sustainability reporting requirements Comparing requirements from the ISSB, EU and US 15 November 2023


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2023 Calling for transparency and consistency within annual reports 15 November 2023


Share-based payments – IFRS 2 handbook  Detailed guidance and illustrative examples to clarify practical application 30 October 2023


Global minimum top-up tax (updated) Relief from deferred tax accounting 29 September 2023


Applying materiality when preparing financial statements (updated) Companies are encouraged to apply materiality and to provide company-specific disclosures 29 September 2023


Guide to annual financial statement - Illustrative disclosure (September 2023) 28 September 2023 | Guides to financial statements


Guide to annual financial statement - Disclosure checklist (September 2023) 28 September 2023 | Guides to financial statements


Insurers' half-year reporting under IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 Key observation from insurers’ first half-year reports under the new accounting standards 27 September 2023 | Insurance


First set of ESRSs is now out! (updated) From FY24, companies will be required to provide granular sustainability information 27 September 2023 | ESRSs sustainability reporting


Why should sustainability reporting be the boardroom's top priority?   Time is running out to get ready for the new requirements 26 September 2023 | Ready for ESG reporting?


20 years of Insights into IFRS® Your practical guide to applying IFRS Accounting Standards 11 September 2023 | IFRS Today


Insights into IFRS® - Our latest thinking Our practical guide to IFRS Accounting Standards 8 September 2023


The ISSB's future priorities Setting the strategic focus areas for the next two years 6 September 2023 | Sustainability reporting


First set of ESRSs is now out! From FY24, companies will be required to provide granular sustainability information 6 September 2023 | ESRSs sustainability reporting


Impact of EU ESG reporting on US companies The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is now in force, but it's application to US companies continues to raise questions 31 August 2023 | ESRSs sustainability reporting


Lack of exchangeability Final amendments address when and how to estimate a spot rate 24 August 2023


Comparing sustainability reporting requirements Comparing requirements from the ISSB, EU and US 23 August 2023 | Sustainability reporting


First set of ESRSs is now out! From FY24, companies will be required to provide granular sustainability information 1 August 2023 | ESRSs sustainability reporting


ESG measures in executive pay packages 25 July 2023 | Sustainability reporting


ISSB Standards are now live! Using these standards, companies can practically provide much-needed sustainability information 20 July 2023 |  Sustainability reporting


Responding to ESRS proposals KPMG comments on final drafts 12 July 2023 | ESRSs sustainability reporting


What might a company that purchases carbon credits voluntarily need to consider? 12 July 2023


Net-zero commitments Assessing when they trigger a liability 6 July 2023 | Climate change


Net-zero commitments (podcast) Impacts on financial reporting 6 July 2023 | Climate change


IFRS 15 – Review of revenue requirements Take this opportunity to have your say on their application 3 July 2023 | Revenue


ISSB Standards are now live! Using these standards, companies can practically provide much-needed sustainability information 26 June 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Insurers' first reporting under IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 Our analysis of insurers’ first-quarter reporting 22 June 2023 | Insurance


Insurers' climate-related disclosures More work needed as new requirements approach 14 June 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Banks' climate-related disclosures Benchmarking banks’ reporting in 2022 8 June 2023 | Sustainability reporting


IFRS 9 – Review of impairment requirements Take this opportunity to have your say on their application 31 May 2023 | Financial instruments


Disclosure of supplier finance arrangements Amendments focus on disclosures only 31 May 2023


Global minimum top-up tax Relief from deferred tax accounting 23 May 2023


ISSB priorities Understanding the future focus 4 May 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Emissions schemes How do voluntary green schemes work? 27 April 2023 | IFRS Today


Banks' climate-related disclosures Banks need to step up to meet new reporting challenges 26 April 2023 | Sustainability reporting


2022 insurers' reporting on IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 Disclosing possible impacts of the new accounting standards 13 April 2023 | Insurance


Introducing a climate-first option A pragmatic approach to support adoption 6 April 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Sustainability reporting – A climate-first option (podcast) A pragmatic approach to support adoption 6 April 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Issued financial guarantee contracts Accounting under IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 27 March 2023 | Insurance


Addressing financial asset classification issues Proposals to amend IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 following post-implementation review 23 March 2023 | Financial instruments


Accounting for electronic payments Proposed amendments to IFRS 9 could change when a receivable or a payable is derecognised 23 March 2023 | Financial instruments


Emissions schemes (podcast) Green initiatives in the airlines industry 21 March 2023 | IFRS Today


Sale and leaseback For lessees and lessors 28 February 2023 | Leases


Progress update - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (February 2023) A high-level visual overview of the ISSB’s February board meeting 17 February 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Video blog - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (February 2023) Mark Vaessen summarises what we learned from the ISSB’s February board meeting 17 February 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Guidance on topics other than climate Clarifying the role of other guidance in applying the standards 17 February 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Making the requirements proportionate Ensuring that all types of company can apply the standards. 17 February 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Timing of sustainability reporting Standards effective from 1 January 2024, supported by transition options 17 February 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Scope 3 emissions Disclosing data about the value chain 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Interoperability between ISSB and EU requirements A proposed path towards global alignment that is practical for preparers 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Using climate-related scenario analysis Companies will need to report on climate resilience using scenario analysis 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Greenhouse gas emissions Using the GHG Protocol to provide Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions disclosures 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Disclosing transition plans and targets Enhancing the transparency of information 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Progress update - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (January 2023) A high-level visual overview of the ISSB’s January board meeting 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Video blog - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (January 2023) Mark Vaessen summarises what we learned from the ISSB’s January board meeting 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Disclosing judgements, assumptions and estimates Ensuring disclosures provide users with information that is useful 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Reasonable and supportable A practical solution to identifying information to report 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


Commercially sensitive opportunities Understanding when the disclosure exemption may apply 24 January 2023 | Sustainability reporting


How will higher interest rates and inflation affect impairment testing of non-financial assets? 16 January 2023 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Global minimum top-up tax Potential exception to deferred tax accounting 9 January 2023



IFRS compared to US GAAP (December 2022) Your guide to the key differences between IFRS Standards and US GAAP 20 December 2022


Insurers’ initial views | IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 Potential impacts of the new standards begin to emerge 20 December 2022 | Insurance


Incorporating industry-specific materials Companies would need to update certain estimates presented in comparative information 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Financed and facilitated emissions Driving consistency in the reporting of emissions financed by financial institutions 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Scope 3 emissions Disclosing data about the value chain 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Greenhouse gas emissions Using the GHG Protocol to provide Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions disclosures 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Understanding what to report Explaining sustainability and linking to value creation 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Video blog - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (December 2022) Helena Watson highlighting the key aspects from the ISSB’s December board meeting 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Progress update - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (December 2022) A high-level visual overview of the ISSB’s December board meeting 20 December 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Illustrative disclosure for investment funds Guide to annual financial statements – IFRS® Accounting Standards 12 December 2022 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRIC agenda decisions - Definition of a lease and substitution rights Guide to annual financial statements – IFRS® Accounting Standards 9 December 2022 


Illustrative disclosure for banks Guide to annual financial statements – IFRS® Accounting Standards 7 December 2022 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Fair value measurement handbook Your guide to applying the requirements under IFRS® Accounting Standards and US GAAP 7 December 2022 | Financial instruments


Areas of focus for 2022 year ends Accounting in uncertain times 6 December 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Global minimum top-up tax Potential exception to deferred tax accounting 24 November 2022


Updating estimates in comparatives Companies would need to update certain estimates presented in comparative information 22 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Disclosing transition plans and targets Enhancing the transparency of information 22 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Timing of sustainability reporting Ultimately at the same time as the financial statements 22 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Progress update - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (November 2022) A high-level visual overview of the ISSB’s November board meeting 22 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Video blog - IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (November 2022) Mark Vaessen summarises what we learned from the ISSB’s November board meeting 22 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Reporting on topics other than climate Clarifying the role of other guidance 18 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2022 Calling for transparency and consistency within annual reports 10 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Towards global agreement on sustainability reporting It has never been closer, nor more urgent 10 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Using climate-related scenario analysis Companies will need to report on climate resilience using scenario analysis 4 November 2022 | Sustainability reporting resource centre


Classifying liabilities as current or non-current IAS 1 amendments effective January 2024 3 November 2022


Sustainability reporting resource centre 27 October 2022


IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 pre-transition disclosure 20 October 2022 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Moving to hybrid working Is your leased office space impaired? 13 October 2022


Guide to annual financial statements - Illustrative disclosures (September 2022) 30 September 2022  l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Guide to annual financial statements - Disclosure checklist (September 2022) 30 September 2022 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Proposed updates to IFRS for SMEs® Maintaining alignment with IFRS Accounting Standards 29 September 2022


Acquiring insurance contracts Transfers of insurance contracts and business combinations under IFRS 17 and IFRS 3 28 September 2022


Accounting for electronic payments IASB to consider as part of its post-implementation review of IFRS 9 28 September 2022


Lease liability in a sale-and-leaseback IFRS 16 amendments introduce a new model for variable lease payments 26 September 2022


Consistency in disclosure of expected credit losses Recommendations for large banks to enhance ECL disclosures to meet investors’ needs 26 September 2022


A summary of what we learned from the ISSB's September board meeting (video) Mark Vaessen summarises what we learned from the ISSB’s September board meeting 23 September 2022


Scalability Considering ways to ensure the standards can be applied by all types of company 23 September 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Financed and facilitated emissions Driving consistency in the reporting of emissions that banks, insurers and asset managers finance and facilitate 23 September 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Insights into IFRS® – Our latest thinking Our practical guide to IFRS Accounting Standards 08 September 2022


ISSB: Work in progress (video) What was discussed when the Board met for the first time 17 August 2022


Global minimum top-up tax under BEPS 2.0 Are disclosures in 2022 necessary before tax laws are changed? 10 August 2022


Sustainability reporting – Responding to ISSB proposals KPMG comments on drafts of first two IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards 29 July 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Insurers – Reporting now and into 2023 IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 – Seven-step action plan to help you prepare 27 July 2022


Assessing if a contract is onerous A seven-step logical approach 25 July 2022


Sustainability reporting will test the will of regulators What gets measured gets managed. That's why we need globally consistent, comparable ESG standards 14 July 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Review of IFRS 10, 11 and 12 concludes Application challenges could remain following post-implementation review 29 June 2022


IFRIC agenda decisions – Electronic payments How much cash does your company have? 23 June 2022


How should companies account for hyperinflationary economies? 21 June 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Comparing international, EU and US sustainability reporting proposals 13 June 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Comparing sustainability reporting proposals Comparing proposals from the ISSB, EFRAG and SEC 9 June 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Bank’s climate-related disclosure Banks’ progress in disclosing climate-related matters has slowed down in 2021 7 June 2022 | Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What is the impact of external events on interim financial statements? 16 May 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


IFRS 17 for non-insurers Do you have an insurance contract in the scope of IFRS 17? 12 May 2022


How should companies assess and account for lack of currency exchangeability? 3 May 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Ukraine-Russia conflict – What are the impacts on accounting for investees? 3 May 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Bank’s climate-related disclosure Benchmarking how banks reported in 2021 annual reports 26 April 2022 


Ukraine-Russia conflict – What are the implications for fair value measurement? 7 April 2022 | Financial reporting in uncertain times


Get ready for ISSB sustainability disclosures Reporting could be as soon as 2022 year ends 31 March 2022 | Sustainability reporting


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements - 2022 edition 28 March 2022 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements - 2022 edition 28 March 2022 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRIC agenda decisions | SPAC transactions Liability accounting or not? 26 March 2022


Financial reporting in uncertain times 25 March 2022


Combined and/or carve-out financial statements This guide draws on our experience of this challenging area of reporting 16 February 2022 | IFRS Toolkit


Climate-related risks | Financial reporting impacts (podcast) 14 February 2022 | IFRS Today


IFRIC agenda decisions – Does an emissions scheme create an obligation? (video) 10 February 2022 | IFRS Today


How do you account for different forms of government assistance? 1 February 2022 | Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Lessors – How will climate-related risks impact operating and finance leases? 1 February 2022 | Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


COVID-19 | Are fair values appropriately determined and disclosed? 1 February 2022 | COVID-19| Financial reporting


COVID-19 |How are expected credit losses on trade receivables impacted? 1 February 2022 | COVID-19| Financial reporting


COVID-19 | Have borrowers considered changes to the terms of their liabilities 27 January 2022 | COVID-19| Financial reporting


Have you disclosed the impacts of climate-related matters clearly? 17 January 2022 | Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


IFRS Video | Getting ready for sustainability reporting standards Three top tips to prepare for the new standards 17 December 2021


IFRS compared to US GAAP (December 2021) Your guide to the key differences between IFRS Standards and US GAAP 16 December 2021


Banks – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS Standards 13 December 2021


Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for investment funds under IFRS® Standards. 13 December 2021


Disclosure of supplier finance arrangements Proposals focus on disclosures only 10 December 2021


New IFRS 17 transition option Reducing accounting mismatches in comparatives on first application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 10 December 2021


Areas of focus for 2023 year ends Addressing stakeholder expectations in uncertain times 7 December 2021 | IFRS Today


Get ready for ISSB sustainability disclosures Reporting could be as soon as 2022 3 December 2021 


COVID-19 podcast – Areas of focus for 2021 year ends 1 December 2021 | Accounting for the pandemic’s impacts on your business


Fair value measurement handbook – IFRS Standards and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS® Standards and US GAAP. 1 December 2021 | Financial Instruments


Classification of debt with covenants 29 November 2021 


What’s the impact on restructuring provisions? 17 November 2021 | Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2021 Priorities for financial and non-financial information in 2021 annual reports 11 November 2021 


New sustainability standards board ISSB to address demand for global sustainability disclosure standards 3 November 2021


A new transition option for IFRS 17 Reducing accounting mismatches in comparatives on first application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 2 November 2021 


IFRS 9 – Classification and measurement Request for information on its application – Take this opportunity to raise your concerns 1 October 2021 | Financial Instruments


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to annual financial statements - 2021 edition 30 September 2021 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Disclosure checklist - Guide to annual financial statements - 2021 edition 30 September 2021 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRS 9 for insurers – Are you good to go? New guide to help insurers to account for their financial instruments 27 September 2021


Insights into IFRS – Our latest thinking Our practical guide to IFRS Standards 14 September 2021 | IFRS toolkit


Time to reverse impairment losses on non-financial assets? 2 September 2021


Simplifying subsidiaries' reporting New IFRS standard proposed to reduce disclosures for qualifying subsidiaries 2 September 2021


A new transition option for IFRS 17 Proposal for an amendment to increase the usefulness of comparative information 29 July 2021


Insurers – Further guidance for audit committees on applying IFRS 17 Evaluating the auditors’ response to risks of material misstatement related to estimates 28 July 2021


Moving to hybrid working Is your leased office space impaired? 27 July 2021


What are the potential impacts of climate change on inventories? 26 July 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


How might employee benefit arrangements be affected by climate-related risks? 22 July 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Climate change and your financial statements What are the impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities? 19 July 2021


Do green loans meet the SPPI criterion? 14 July 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Cloud implentation costs New guide for implementation costs incurred in a cloud service contract 14 July 2021


Mergers and acquisitions – Partnering with others Key points to consider under IFRS® Standards 12 July 2021


IAS 1 amendments may be deferred Board revisits amendments on classifying liabilities as current or non-current 8 July 2021


IFRIC agenda decisions – Wind farm energy Do contracts between customers and wind farm operators contain leases? 29 June 2021


What’s the impact on useful lives and residual values of PP&E and intangible assets? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What’s the impact on cash flow projections used for impairment testing of non-financial assets? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Have you recorded all of your environmental and decommissioning obligations? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


How do you account for emissions or ‘green’ schemes? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Do green bonds contain embedded derivatives? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Do you have a lease of green technology? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What's the impact on expected credit losses? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What’s the impact on the going concern assessment and related disclosures? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


What are the potential impacts of leasing polluting assets? 28 June 2021 l Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre


Climate change – Financial reporting resource centre launches 28 June 2021


Progress in new transition option for IFRS 17 Classification overlay aims to alleviate accounting mismatches in comparative information 23 June 2021


Investor-focused management commentary Proposed new framework designed to bring financial and non-financial information into a single report 15 June 2021


Potential new transition option for IFRS 17 Amendment discussed to alleviate potential accounting mismatches with IFRS 9 28 May 2021


Climate disclosure at banks Risks are clear, but what are the opportunities? 20 May 2021


Lack of exchangeability Addressing when a currency is exchangeable and estimating an exchange rate when it is not 17 May 2021


Sustainability reporting journey Proposed constitution changes to enable formation of ISSB to set sustainability standards 13 May 2021


Recognising deferred tax on leases Narrowing the scope of IAS 12’s initial recognition exemption to improve comparability 11 May 2021 


Banks and climate risk – Basel Committee reports Basel Committee issues two new reports on climate-related financial risks 6 May 2021 


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2021 edition 29 April 2021 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2021 edition 29 April 2021 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRIC agenda decisions – April's meeting 29 April 2021


Mergers and acquisitions – Selling a business Key points to consider under IFRS® Standards 22 April 2021


Paving the way to principles-based disclosure Piloting the development of disclosure requirements based on judgement and user needs 15 April 2021


European banks and COVID-19 – What do 2020 annual accounts say? What can we learn from the 2020 annual accounts of European banks about the impact of the pandemic on their loan books? 14 April 2021


Shaping the future standard-setting agenda Board seeks views on strategic direction for IFRS® Standards 12 April 2021


Climate risk is financial risk – For banks it’s a board-level issue What do the latest annual reports reveal about banks’ approaches to climate change? 7 April 2021


IFRS 17 – Interim reporting choices Choosing how to treat prior period accounting estimates will affect financial performance 6 April 2021


IFRS 16 – An overview The new normal for lease accounting 31 March 2021


Rent concessions – Lessee relief extended One-year extension to practical expedient 31 March 2021


Acquiring loans Accounting by banks for loans acquired either directly or through a business combination 30 March 2021


IFRIC agenda decisions – Cloud computing Brian O'Donovan explains the importance of the recent decision for companies considering cloud computing 25 March 2021


Mergers and acquisitions - Buying a business Accounting for combinations under IFRS® Standards 18 March 2021


Unifying sustainability reporting IFRS® Foundation sets strategic direction for new investor focused sustainability reporting 16 March 2021


Brexit and financial reporting – Telling your story  Impacts to consider in 2020 financial reports 16 March 2021


Accounting policy or estimate? A new definition of and clarifications on accounting estimates 2 March 2021


Applying materiality when preparing financial statements Companies encouraged to apply materiality and to provide company-specific disclosures 2 March 2021


IFRIC agenda decisions – An overview of February’s meeting Brian O'Donovan offers an overview of the significant topics discussed at this month’s meeting of the IFRS Interpretations Committee 12 February 2021


Rent concessions – Proposal to extend relief One-year extension proposed to IFRS 16 practical expedient 11 February 2021


Issue 2021-1 – 2020 year-end focus This newsletter highlights some areas of focus in the run up to 2020 year-end financial reporting. 8 February 2021 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics


Rent concessions Relief for rent concessions directly related to COVID-19 4 February 2021


Regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities Proposals for a new IFRS® Standard for companies subject to rate regulation 28 January 2021


Non-GAAP measures – fact or fiction? 25 January 2021 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics


Review of IFRS® Standards 10, 11 and 12 Request for information on application issues – Take this opportunity to raise your concerns 19 January 2021


More debt could be classified as current Classifying debt – Does hypothetical testing at the reporting date give the right outcome? 11 January 2021


Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for investment funds under IFRS® Standards 11 January 2021


Fair value measurement handbook – IFRS Standards and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS® Standards and US GAAP. 17 December 2020


Banks – Audit of expected credit loss Basel Committee issues guidance for audit committees on the audit of ECL estimates 11 December 2020


IFRIC agenda decisions – Three key topics from December’s meeting Brian O'Donovan shares his take on some key topics discussed at this month's meeting of the IFRS Interpretations Committee 10 December 2020


COVID-19 podcast – Areas of focus for 2020 year ends Accounting for the pandemic’s impacts on your business 10 December 2020


IFRS compared to US GAAP (December 2020) Your guide to the significant differences between IFRS Standards and US GAAP 10 December 2020


Banks – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS® Standards 10 December 2020


Real estate leases The landlord perspective 8 December 2020


Business combinations under common control Consultation seeks to drive consistency in reporting 2 December 2020


Lease liability in a sale-and-leaseback Proposed approach differs from IFRS 16’s general model for variable lease payments 27 November 2020


European banks and COVID-19 – Impacts on 2020 Q3 results Do Q3 results give any more insights on how the pandemic is affecting the European banks’ loan books? 19 November 2020


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2020 European regulator highlights priorities for 2020 financial statements prepared under IFRS® Standards 10 November 2020


New standard setter for sustainability issue IFRS Foundation proposes approach to achieve consistency and global comparability 8 October 2020


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to annual financial statements - 2020 edition 30 September 2020 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Disclosure checklist - Guide to annual financial statements - 2020 edition 30 September 2020 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


COVID-19 supplement - Guide to annual financial statements - 2020 edition 30 September 2020 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Insurers – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements under IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 30 September 2020 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Insights into IFRS – Our latest thinking Our practical guide to IFRS Standards 11 September 2020 | IFRS toolkit


IFRIC agenda decisions Companies need to engage with IFRIC discussions 3 September 2020


IBOR reform – Phase 2 amendments Targeted accounting relief for banks and corporates 3 September 2020 | IBOR reform


IBOR reform - Phase 2 final amendments issued Targeted accounting relief to ease adoption of a new benchmark rate 27 August 2020 | IBOR reform


European banks and COVID-19 – the impact on 2020 half-year results How is the pandemic affecting European banks’ loan books? 21 August 2020


IFRS 17 – Final amendments are out now Insurers can now move ahead and get ready for transition in 18 months. 29 July 2020 | Insurance


IFRS 17 First impressions Detailed analysis and insight on the amended standard 29 July 2020 | Insurance


IBOR reform - Approaching the end of phase two The Board has completed its redeliberations and plans to publish final amendments in August 23 July 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IFRS 16 – Lease term How long is the lease? 14 July 2020 l Leases handbook


Issue 4 – Interim reporting in times of uncertainty This newsletter highlights some of the interim relevant disclosure considerations to help your entity improve its communication of the overall financial impact of COVID-19 on your business. 10 July 2020 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus


IBOR reform – Feedback on the exposure draft Board receives 80 comment letters following 45-day comment period. 25 June 2020 |  IBOR reform and IFRS


Canadian banks and COVID-19 – Impacts on half-year results How is the pandemic affecting Canadian banks' loan books? 22 June 2020


COVID-19 | Accounting for provisions Finding the right balance between under- and over-providing for the impacts of the pandemic 18 June 2020


COVID-19 | Accounting for government assistance How and when to account for government grants and other assistance 4 June 2020


COVID-19 | Estimating in uncertain times How should management reflect the significant uncertainties in the future economic outlook when making estimates? 29 May 2020


Issue 3 – Relief for lessees on rent concessions This newsletter summarises the IFRS 16 amendment (and the equivalent HKFRS 16 amendment), and explains the qualifying criteria and other considerations on whether and how to take advantage of the one-off relief. 29 May 2020 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus


Annual Improvements to IFRS® Standards   Amendments to IFRS 1, IFRS 9, IFRS 16 and IAS 41 27 May 2020


Banks – Q1 reports show impact of COVID-19 How is the pandemic affecting loan books? 21 May 2020


IFRS 17 – Fine-tuning before publication The Board finalises sweep issues in anticipation of the final standard 21 May 2020


Accounting for proceeds before an asset’s intended use  Amendments to IAS 16 will mainly affect extractive and petrochemical industries 14 May 2020


Assessing if a contract is onerous Amendments to IAS 37 could increase contract loss provisions for some14 May 2020


IFRS 17 – Moving forward with implementation What this means for users and preparers of financial statements. 7 May 2020


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2020 edition 29 April 2020 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2020 edition 29 April 2020 l Guides to IFRS financial statements


COVID-19 – Proposed amendments to IFRS® Standards  Amendments proposed to IFRS 16 and IAS 1 and timeline for many projects extended 20 April 2020 


IBOR reform – Phase 2 exposure draft issued A tight timeline for reviewing a wide range of proposals to account for benchmark reform 9 April 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


Re-shaping financial statement presentation Proposals aim to bring more comparability, transparency and discipline. 8 April 2020 | Better communication in financial reporting


ESMA guidance on the COVID-19 impact on reporting ECLs European regulator aims to promote consistent application of IFRS 9 25 March 2020 | Financial Instruments


Should goodwill amortisation be reintroduced? Consultation seeks to help investors assess how acquisitions are performing 25 March 2020


Covid-19 | Financial reporting   Resource centre on the financial reporting impacts of coronavirus 20 March 2020


IFRS compared to US GAAP Your guide to the significant differences between IFRS® and US GAAP. 17 March 2020 | IFRS toolkit


IFRS 17 effective date deferred to 2023 Companies need to understand impacts on their business and maintain momentum for change 17 March 2020 | Insurance


IBOR reform – End of second-phase discussion Preparations now underway for exposure draft in April 2020 27 February 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IFRS 17 amendments – Final topics analysed The Board completes redeliberations of substantive topics 26 February 2020 | Insurance


Issue 2 – Thoughts on financial instruments accounting Thoughts on financial instruments accounting 24 February 2020 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus


Issue 1 – Three questions for 2019 year-end Three questions for 2019 year-end 21 February 2020 | Financial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus


IFRS 16 – Applying the new leases standard Key considerations for your first financial statements under IFRS 16, the new leases standard. View the video 7 February | IFRS Today


Insurers – Guidance for audit committees on IFRS®17 implementation Global accounting networks issue guidance for audit committees 7 February | Insurance


IBOR reform – Broad discussions including new disclosures Tentative decisions, potential amendments and new disclosures 31 January 2020 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IFRS®17 amendments – Five more topics redeliberated The Board progresses its redeliberations by confirming three more amendments 31 January 2020 | Insurance


Classifying liabilities as current or non-current Amendments could have a significant impact on classification of liabilities. 30 January 2020


Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing IFRS financial statements for investment funds. 23 January 2020 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Fair value measurement – IFRS Standards and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS® Standards and US GAAP 17 December 2019 | IFRS toolkit


Consistency in disclosure of expected credit losses Recommendations for large banks to enhance ECL disclosures to meet investors’ needs 16 December 2019


IBOR reform – Phase 2 discussions on hedge accounting Tentative agreement on how reform of interbank offered rates (IBOR) may affect hedging 12 December 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


lllustrative disclosures for banks Your essential guide to preparing financial statements for banks under IFRS® Standards 12 December 2019 | Guides to financial statements


IFRS®17 amendments – Redeliberations begin The Board kicks off redeliberations by discussing two topics of wide application 12 December 2019 | Insurance


IFRS®17 – Clarity on approach to amendments Process confirmed for finalising amendments to the new insurance standard 21 November 2019 | Insurance


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2019 European regulator highlights priorities for 2019 financial statements prepared under IFRS Standards 28 October 2019


IBOR reform – Blueprint for modifications under IFRS® 9 Board debates accounting for modifications to financial instruments relating to IBOR reform 23 October 2019 l IBOR reform and IFRS


IFRS®17 proposals – Outreach feedback  Board provides feedback from stakeholder outreach – comment letter analysis due next month 23 October 2019 | Insurance


Annual disclosure checklists – 2019 edition 30 September 2019 | Guides to financial statements


Annual illustrative disclosures – 2019 edition 30 September 2019 | Guides to financial statements


IBOR reform – First-phase amendments issued The Board has issued amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 27 September 2019 l IBOR reform and IFRS


Insights into IFRS – Our latest thinking Our practical guide to IFRS Standards 11 September 2019 | IFRS toolkit


IBOR reform - First phase amendments imminent The Board completes redeliberation on amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 2 September 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


IFRS 16 - Lease components The unit of account for lease accounting 2 September 2019 | Leases handbook


Applying materiality when preparing financial statements IASB encourages companies to apply materiality judgements 19 August 2019 | IFRS disclosures


IAS 12 proposals – Recognising deferred tax on leases Narrower application of IAS 12’s initial recognition exemption would improve comparability 17 July 2019


IFRS 17 amendments Proposed amendments should prompt insurers to step up the pace of implementation 15 July 2019 | Insurance


Revenue IFRS 15 handbook 25 June 2019 | Revenue


Calling all companies How will you be impacted by interest rate reforms? 13 June 2019 


IFRIC Updates – Regulators are paying attention; are you? Keep an eye on the Committee’s output 22 May 2019 | IFRS Today


IFRS 17 – Final steps before exposure draft Comment period set at 90 days, sweep issues discussed at Board meeting 16 May 2019 | Insurance


Proposals focus on agenda decisions Due process update to reflect current practices and conventions 15 May 2019 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Earnings per share – IAS 33 handbook Your step-by-step guide to EPS calculations and application issues under IFRS. 13 May 2019 | IFRS toolkit


IBOR reform – IFRS exposure draft issued Users of hedge accounting have only a short time to comment on the proposed reliefs 3 May 2019 | IBOR reform and IFRS


Cryptoassets - Accounting and tax What are the potential implications? 18 April 2019 | IFRS Today


Cryptoassets - Accounting and tax What’s the impact on your financial statements? 18 April 2019 | Future of IFRS


IFRS 17 – Fine-tuning and finalising the proposals Board completes discussions about implementation challenges – exposure draft due in June 10 April 2019 | Insurance


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2019 edition  10 April 2019 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2019 edition  10 April 2019 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRS 17 – April 2019 TRG meeting summary Members discussed investment components in insurance contracts 5 April 2019 | Insurance


IFRS 17 – Three more proposed amendments Changes proposed to three more areas of the insurance contracts standard 15 March 2019 | Insurance


IBOR reform – How would the proposed relief be applied? March decisions clarify how potential amendments would apply and when initial relief would end 14 March 2019 | Financial Instruments


Brexit and financial reporting – Part two Uncertainty could impact KPIs 12 March 2019 | IFRS Today


Brexit and financial reporting Questions for audit committees 28 February 2019 | IFRS Today


Leases – Overcoming the challenges of complying What our global survey reveals 15 February 2019 | IFRS Today


IFRS 17 – Further key amendments proposed Proposals target loan contracts and transition requirements 11 February 2019 | Insurance


IBOR reform – Possible changes to support hedge accounting Potential amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 as benchmark interest rates undergo reform 8 February 2019 | Financial Instruments


IFRS 17 – Important amendments in the pipeline New proposals to amend the insurance contracts standard in four areas   24 January 2019 | Insurance


Measuring fair value – Is IFRS 13 working as intended? IFRS 13 is achieving its objectives, but application challenges remain in judgemental areas 16 January 2019 | 

Assessing if a contract is onerous Proposed amendments to IAS 37 could increase contract loss provisions for some 8 January 2019 | 

Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing IFRS financial statements for investment funds. 4 January 2019 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Proposed amendment to insurance standard Proposal to amend presentation requirements to ease implementation challenges  14 December 2018 | Insurance 

First full-year results under IFRS 9 Our initial impressions of the first annual financial statements published under the new standard 12 December 2018 | Real time IFRS 9

Illustrative disclosures for banks Your essential guide to preparing IFRS financial statements for banks 11 December 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

IFRS 16 – Transition to the new leases standard What’s the best option for your business on transition to IFRS 16? 29 November 2018 | Leases

Shared-based payments IFRS 2 handbook 29 November 2018 | IFRS toolkit

Consistency in disclosure of expected credit losses Recommendations for large banks to enhance ECL disclosures to meet investors’ needs 28 November 2018 | Financial Instruments


Preparing for IFRS 16, the new leases standard What should your priorities be? 21 November 2018 | IFRS Today

Applying materiality when preparing financial statements IASB refines its definition of material and encourages companies to apply judgement 20 November 2018 | IFRS disclosures

IFRS 17 – Proposed deferral of effective date to 2022 Proposal to defer insurance standard by one year and extend temporary exemption from IFRS 9 15 November 2018 | Insurance

IFRS 17 journey - no time to rest How are insurers coping in the run-up to adoption? 7 November 2018 | IFRS Today

ESMA enforcement priorities for 2018 European regulator highlights priorities for 2018 IFRS financial statements 2 November 2018

IFRS 17 – IASB considers amending the standard Insurers’ concerns and implementation challenges give much for the Board to think about 26 October 2018 | Insurance


IFRS 3 amendments – Clarifying what is a business Amendments provide more guidance on the definition of a business, but complexities remain 25 October 2018 | Business combinations

Crypto-assets – Risk and governance Questions for audit committees to ask 19 October 2018 | IFRS Today

IFRS 17 – September 2018 TRG meeting summary TRG members discussed several implementation questions about the new standard 4 October 2018 | Insurance


IFRS 9 year-end challenges for banks The story that hasn’t been told yet. 4 October 2018 | IFRS Today

Tenants’ real estate leases IFRS 16 for real estate tenants 2 October 2018 | Leases


Annual disclosure checklists – 2018 edition 24 September 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Annual illustrative disclosures – 2018 edition 24 September 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Achieving a smooth year-end reporting process Learning from the interims 19 September 2018 | IFRS Today

New IFRS Standards: Are you ready? IFRS web tool for newly effective standards 18 September 2018 | IFRS toolkit


IFRS 16 – Lease modifications Accounting for changes 11 September 2018 | Leases


Insights into IFRS An overview  10 September 2018 | IFRS - Our latest thinking


IFRS 9 bank disclosures – Half-year 2018 reporting Half-year reporting adds new insights on impairment 30 August 2018 | Real time IFRS 9

IFRS 9 -  Hedge accounting for corporates Unlocking the opportunities 26 July 2018 | IFRS Today

Introducing Blockchain and cryptocurrencies Some key impacts and implications 19 July 2018 | IFRS Today


IAS 32 – Distinguishing between liabilities and equity Proposals for clearer classification principles and enhanced presentation and disclosure 10 July 2018 | Financial Instruments

IFRS 17 – CSM allocation: What’s the issue? Predicting the impact of IFRS 17 on earnings 29 June 2018 | IFRS Today

European review questions approach to IFRS As Europe looks at corporate reporting, IFRS is in the spotlight, with global implications 22 June 2018

Investment management companies – Are you good to go? Key considerations for Investment managers when implementing IFRS 15. 25 May 2018| Revenue 

IFRS 16 Leases – Where are companies underestimating the impacts? There are some implementation and process changes to be addressed in the near term 23 May 2018 | IFRS Today

Revenue – Embedding and explaining the changes How are companies coping so far with operationalising IFRS 15? 23 May 2018 | IFRS Today


IFRS 9 bank disclosures – Taking a closer look after first quarter reporting Several banks have provided first quarter disclosures with varying levels of granularity 18 May 2018 | Real time IFRS 9


IFRS 17 – May 2018 TRG meeting summary TRG members discussed several implementation questions about the new insurance contracts standard 14 May 2018 | Insurance


Conceptual Framework – The new foundation for IFRS The revised Framework will underpin the IASB’s thinking when developing new standards  29 March 2018 


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2018 edition  29 March 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements – 2018 edition 29 March 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRS 9 bank disclosures – A deeper dive into what we know so far A close look at banks’ disclosures on IFRS 9’s expected credit loss model 28 March 2018 | Real time IFRS 9


Consumer markets and retail – Implementing IFRS 16 Insight and analysis on the impact of the new leases standard 21 March 2018 | Leases

Banks under the spotlight with new disclosures Quality and clarity of explanations is key 16 March 2018 | IFRS Today


IFRS 9 bank disclosures – Increased detail brings clearer focus Banks issue more detailed information, yielding some interesting perspectives 6 March 2018 | Real time IFRS 9


New disclosures for corporates – Are you prepared to tell all? Disclosure requirements more detailed than ever before 1 March 2018 | IFRS Today


IFRS 9 bank disclosures – First picture starting to emerge The first glimpses of the impact of IFRS 9 adoption by banks 20 February 2018 | Real time IFRS 9


IFRS 17 – February 2018 TRG meeting summary TRG members discussed several implementation questions about the new standard 13 February 2018 | Insurance

Clearer accounting for defined benefit plans Amendment to IAS 19 clarifies current service and net interest accounting 12 February 2018 |

Insurers – Illustrative disclosures Your essential guide to preparing financial statements under IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 31 January 2018 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Financial instruments – Introducing IFRS 9 Our insight and analysis on the impact of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. 31 January 2018 | Financial Instruments


The Bank Statement – Q4 2017 This newsletter looks at IFRS and regulatory matters affecting accounting by banks 19 January 2018 | Banking

New standards – Tell the right story in your IFRS disclosures Manage stakeholder expectations 18 January 2018 | IFRS Today

Impact of US tax reforms on IFRS financial statements Significant changes to US tax legislation impact all companies with operations in the US 18 January 2018


IFRS 16 - Ilustrative disclosures Your essential guide to the new lease disclosures 15 December 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Fair malue measurement – IFRS and US GAAP Your guide to applying fair value measurement requirements under both IFRS and US GAAP. 15 December 2017 | IFRS toolkit


IFRS compared to US GAAP We look at the main differences of principle, emphasis or application between IFRS and US GAAP. 14 December 2017 | IFRS toolkit


Guide to annual financial statements – Illustrative disclosures for investment funds  Your essential guide to preparing IFRS financial statements for investment funds. 13 December 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Banks – IFRS 15 could affect 25% of operating income  It’s time to look beyond IFRS 9 12 December 2017 | IFRS Today


IFRS 15 for automotive suppliers  – Are you good to go? Key considerations for auto parts makers on implementing the new revenue recognition standard.  6 December 2017 | Revenue

Guides to annual financial statements: supplement  – Bank – IFRS 9 pre-transition disclosures  The 2017 supplement to the 2016 edition updates the pre-transition disclosures on the impact of the adoption of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. 6 December 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

IFRS 9 elections – An essential pre-holiday job Complete your hedge accounting documentation or your hedges may no longer comply! 30 November 2017 | IFRS Today

Financial Instrument Newsletter Issue 43 – Towards a new model for DRM The Board agreed that the accounting model for dynamic risk management (DRM) should improve transparency, address the capacity issue and provide a simple and reliable performance metric while reflecting the fluid nature of DRM. 23 November 2017 | Financial Instruments

IFRS 16 – Lease payments Determining the lease liability 21 November 2017 | Leases

IFRS 16 – What didn’t the standard tell us? Early learnings from the front line of lease conversion projects 16 November 2017 | IFRS Today


ESMA enforcement priorities for 2017 European regulator highlights priorities for 2017 IFRS financial statements  31 October 2017 | Disclosures


Transition – It’s a reputational risk, not just a number Moving to the new standards is a process across several phases 17 October 2017 | IFRS Today


Guide to annual financial statements: IFRS 15 supplement  26 October 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


IFRS 9 – Changes warranting immediate attention Prepayment features with negative compensation and modifications of financial liabilities 12 October 2017 | Financial Instruments


The Bank Statement – Q3 2017 Modification of financial instruments 12 October 2017 | Banking


IFRS 9 – Opportunities and complexities for corporates Chance to better align hedge accounting with risk management policies 2 October 2017 | Financial Instruments


IFRS 9 for corporates – Are you good to go? Global accounting networks issue guidance for audit committees 2 October 2017 | Financial Instruments


Applying materiality when preparing financial statements IASB issues guidance for companies on making materiality judgements 29 September 2017 | Disclosures


Accounting policy or estimate?  Proposed clarifications aim to reduce diversity in practice 28 September 2017 | Disclosures


Financial instruments Newsletter Issue 42 – DRM discussions continue  The IASB staff presented an education session to the Board in which it discuss (i) prepayment risk and ways to manage it, and (ii) hedge accounting and capacity. 27 September 2017 | Financial instruments


Leases discount rates What’s the correct rate? 13 September 2017 | Leases


IFRS 15 – Beware of changes to your top-line and KPIs! Business unit heads could be surprised by the real impact of the new revenue standard 31 August 2017 | IFRS Today


Banks – Auditing IFRS 9’s ECL requirements Global accounting networks issue guidance for audit committees 31 July 2017 | Banking


New standards – Coordinating group and local numbers Are central and local finance teams on the same page? 27 July 2017 | IFRS Today


Financial instruments Newsletter Issue 41 – Final prepayment amendments  The Board completed its technical re-deliberations on the exposure draft Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation. 26 July 2017 | Financial instruments


First Impressions: Insurance Contracts  Introduce IFRS 17 key requirements with the use of illustrative examples and features KPMG’s insights.  18 July 2017 | Insurance


New insurance contracts standard – Introducing IFRS 17   Insight and analysis on the impact of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts 18 July 2017 | Insurance


Banks – Are you good to go? Key considerations that banks need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 13 July 2017 | Revenue


Insurance – Are you good to go? Key considerations that insurance companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 13 July 2017 | Revenue


The Bank Statement – Q2 2017 Credit loss accounting for dual reporters 12 July 2017 | Banking


Investment management – Are you good to go? Key considerations that investment management companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 4 July 2017 | Revenue


New standards – Good and bad news on IT implementation Critical time challenge to get your systems ready  29 June 2017 | IFRS Today


Financial instruments Newsletter Issue 40 – IFRS 9 prepayment amendments  The Board discussed feedback received in comment letters on the exposure draft Prepayment features with Negative Compensation. 29 June 2017 | Financial instruments 


Accounting for sale proceeds before an asset’s intended use Proposed narrow-scope amendments to IAS 16 23 June 2017


Airlines – Are you good to go? Key considerations that airline companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 15 June 2017 | Revenue


Media – Are you good to go? Key considerations that media companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 8 June 2017 | Revenue


Income tax exposure  IFRIC 23 clarifies the accounting treatment 8 June 2017 | IFRS toolkit


Food, drink and consumer goods companies – Are you good to go? Key considerations that food, drink and consumer goods companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 1 June 2017 | IFRS Today


New standards – Taking investors by the hand  What disclosures will you have to make in this year’s interim and annual reports? 31 May 2017 | IFRS Today


Measuring fair value – Share your experience of IFRS 13 The IASB has issued a request for information seeking feedback in several areas of focus 30 May 2017 | IFRS toolkit


Technology – Are you good to go? Practical guidance for software and technology companies on implementing the new revenue recognition standard. 25 May 2017 | Revenue


Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 39 – Next steps on the DRM project Discussions on DRM activities continue 24 May 2017 | Financial instruments 


Prepayment features with negative compensation Proposed narrow-scope amendment to IFRS 9 for particular financial assets 24 May 2017 | Financial instruments


Pharmaceuticals – Are you good to go? Our latest publication looks at the key considerations pharma and life sciences companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 16 May 2017 | Revenue


Retail – Are you good to go? Our latest publication looks at the key considerations retailers and wholesalers need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 4 May 2017 | Revenue 


IFRS 15 – Earnings surprises in store for investors?  Investors need to assess how the new revenue recognition standard will affect earnings  28 April 2017 | IFRS Today


IFRS 16 Leases definition  Under the new leasing standard, IFRS 16, lease definition becomes the key on-/off-balance sheet test. 27 April 2017 | Leases


Aerospace and defence – Are you good to go? Key considerations that aerospace and defence companies need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15. 27 April 2017 | Revenue


Construction – Are you good to go? Implementing IFRS 15 – Key considerations that companies in the construction sector need to focus on. 13 April 2017 | Revenue


The Bank Statement – Q1 2017 Stage transfer criteria for impairment 13 April 2017 | Banking


Real estate developers – Are you good to go? What are the key considerations that real estate developers need to focus on when implementing IFRS 15? 7 April 2017 | Revenue


Disclosure checklist - Guide to condensed interim financial statements - 2017 edition 31 March 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Illustrative disclosures - Guide to condensed interim financial statements - 2017 edition 31 March 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


New standards – Setting the tone at the top 10 questions for audit committees – to focus discussions with management of corporates on implementation of the new standards  31 March 2017 | IFRS Today


Operating segments – Responding to the PIR of IFRS 8 Proposed amendments seek to improve IFRS 8 after Post-implementation Review 31 March 2017 | Business combinations


Financial instruments Newsletter Issue 38 – DP on FICE expected this year Technical deliberations largely completed on the FICE project 30 March 2017 | Financial instruments 


Transport companies – Implementing IFRS 15 We look at how IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers will affect companies in the transport sector, and how KPMG can help. 13 March 2017 | Revenue


Consumer goods – Implementing IFRS 15 Now that the IASB and FASB have published a new joint standard on revenue recognition, the real work for food, drink and consumer goods companies is just beginning. 13 March 2017 | Revenue


Housebuilders – Implementing IFRS 15 We look at how IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers will affect companies in the housebuilding sector, and how KPMG can help. 9 March 2017 | Revenue


Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 37 – FICE discussions continue The IASB has continued its discussions on financial instruments withcharacteristics of equity. 2 March 2017 | Financial Instruments


IFRS 9 impairment Newsletter Issue 4 – Revolving credit facilities The IASB has discussed an issue relating to how the period of exposure isdetermined for revolving credit facilities, such as credit cards. 1 March 2017 | Financial Instruments

Insurance Newsletter Issue 57 – Making the finishing touches In February, the IASB addressed issues arising from the feedback it received from the external testing and drafting process of the forthcoming insurance contracts. 1 March 2017 | Insurance 


IFRS 15 Revenue – The reality may surprise you 10 reasons why CFOs should be worried. 27 February 2017 | IFRS Today


Guide to annual financial statements: Illustrative disclosures for banks (IAS 39) 17 February 2017 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Insurance contract – No time to watch and wait 12 questions to kickstart your successful transition. 31 January 2017 | Insurance 


Power & utilities – Implementing IFRS 15 Now that the IASB and FASB have published a new joint standard on revenue recognition, the real work for power and utilities companies is just beginning. 25 January 2017 | Revenue 


Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 36 – Symmetric prepayment options The IASB has started work on a narrow-scope project on 'make-whole' prepayment options. 25 January 2017  |  Financial Instruments


Insurance - final standard expected in May 2017 IASB expects sweep issues from the IFRS 17 fatal flaw review to be discussed in February. 19 January 2017 | Insurance 


Proposed annual improvements to IFRS Amendments proposed to IAS 12, IAS 23, IAS 28 and IFRS 9 16 January 2017 | Business combinations


The Bank Statement – Q4 2016  KVA – Adjustments for regulatory capital costs. 10 January 2017 | Banking


Regulators call for action on new accounting standards  IOSCO stresses importance of implementation and disclosure on IFRSs 9, 15 and 16. 6 January 2017 | Disclosures


Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 35 – Derivatives on own equity Further progress has been made in exploring classification under the Gamma approach. 16 December 2016 | Financial Instruments

Guide to annual financial statements: Illustrative disclosures for investment funds 15 December 2016 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Transfers to and from investment property The IASB has amended IAS 40 on transfers of property assets to, or from, investment property. 14 December 2016   

Foreign currency transactions – Advance consideration  IFRIC 22 clarifies the transaction date used to determine the exchange rate. 09 December 2016  


Integrated Reporting – Closing the reporting gap  Investors want better information on business value drivers. How can <IR> principles help?  1 December 2016 

Insurance Newsletter Issue 56 - Setting the stage for a final standard This month, the IASB discussed its findings from the external testing of a draft of the forthcoming insurance contracts standard (IFRS 17), and addressed some of the issues raised. 23 November 2016 | Insurance

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 34 – The puttables exception Further progress has been made in exploring classification under the Gamma approach. 22 November 2016 | Financial Instruments

Banks – Rising to the challenges of IFRS 9 10 focus questions for management and audit committees. 16 November 2016 | Financial Instruments 

IFRS – What's next on the agenda? IASB publishes five-year work plan following stakeholder consultation. 11 November 2016 | The future of IFRS

ESMA enforcement priorities for 2016 European regulator highlights priorities for 2016 IFRS financial statements 2 November 2016 | Disclosures

Investment managers – Implementing IFRS 15 Investment managers should not underestimate the potential impact of the new revenue standard that's effective from 1 January 2018. 31 October 2016 | Revenue

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 33 – Alternative settlement outcomes Further progress has been made in exploring the classification of claims with alternative settlement outcomes. 25 October 2016 | Financial Instruments

Annual disclosure checklists – 2016 edition 18 October 2016 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Annual illustrative disclosures – 2016 edition 18 October 2016 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


The Bank Statement – Q3 2016 Comparing IFRS 9 and US GAAP impairment 11 October 2016 | Banking

Leases – 10 key questions to help you prepare for IFRS 16 What do you need to think about when planning to implement the new standard? 7 October 2016 | IFRS Today

Oil and Gas - Implementing IFRS 15 The new revenue standard – effective from 1 January 2018 – is having an impact  across the oil and gas sector. 30 September 2016 | Revenue

Banks – Are you prepared for IFRS 9? The new financial instruments standard – effective from 1 January 2018 – is proving to be a momentous accounting change for banks. 29 September 2016 | Banking

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 32 – Moving the FICE project forward Further progress has been made in exploring presentation and disclosure requirements. 28 September 2016 | Financial Instruments

Insurance – IFRS 4 amendments  Amendments respond to industry concerns about the impact of differing effective dates.  23 September 2016 | Insurance

Telcos – Implementing IFRS 15 IFRS 15 is having a profound effect across the telecommunications sector. 7 September 2016 | Revenue

New insurance contracts standard – It’s time to engage Insurers may experience greater volatility in profit or loss and equity on applying the new standard. 29 July 2016 | Insurance

Brexit – Financial reporting implications Our briefing document addresses the initial accounting and reporting impacts. 29 July 2016  

Revenue – Regulator calls for transparency on impacts on IFRS 15  ESMA promotes consistent application of new revenue standard. 28 July 2016 | Revenue

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 31 – the FICE project continues Further progress has been made in exploring the classification of derivatives on own equity. 26 July 2016 | Financial Instruments

Insurance amendments – IFRS 9 temporary exemption  The IASB expects to issue its final insurance amendments in September 2016.  20 July 2016 | Insurance

The Bank Statement – Q2 2016 Impact of IFRS 16 and more on the leverage ratio 12 July 2016 | Banking

Clarifying business combinations accounting New definition of a business aims to be narrower and to facilitate more robust decision making 4 July 2016 | Business Combinations

IFRS – Better communication IASB chairman makes better communication a priority for the coming years 1 July 2016 | The future of IFRS

Insurance Newsletter Issue 55 – Fine-tuning the forthcoming standard The IASB has turned its attention to sweep issues that have arisen during the balloting process for the forthcoming insurance contracts standard. 29 June 2016 | Insurance

Clarifying share-based payment accounting Amendments to IFRS 2 clarify the accounting for certain types of arrangements. 21 June 2016 | Employee benefits

Non-GAAP measures – Moving towards global transparency IOSCO promotes transparency and comparability in its new statement 17 June 2016 | Disclosures

Banks – Implementing IFRS 9’s impairment requirements Global accounting networks issue guidance to help audit committees oversee implementation. 17 June 2016 | Banking

Insurance – Implementing IFRS 15 Insurers should not underestimate the potential impact of the new revenue standard that's effective from 1 January 2018. 9 June 2016 | Insurance


Viewpoint Podcast: ‘Level of aggregation’ under IFRS 4 Phase 2 for insurers Find out more about one of the key drivers of profit recognition in the new model. 24 May 2016 | Insurance

Insurance Newsletter Issue 54 – IFRS 4 amendments set for balloting The IASB has finished its discussions on the differing effective dates of IFRS 9 and the forthcoming insurance contracts standard. 24 May 2016 | Insurance


Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 30 – Characteristics of equity Further progress has been made in exploring ways to present useful information not captured by a binary classification approach. 23 May 2016 | Financial Instruments


The Bank Statement – Q1 2016 Measuring ECL and clearing OTC derivatives 29 April 2016 | Banking

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 29 – Characteristics of equity Further progress has been made in exploring the implications of attributing profit or loss and OCI to derivative equity claims. 28 April 2016 | Financial Instruments

Insurance Newsletter Issue 53 – Revised criteria for deferring IFRS 9 The IASB is to broaden the qualifying criteria for deferring IFRS 9 and introduce additional relevant disclosures. 27 April 2016 | Insurance

Accounting for revenue is changing What’s the impact on your business? 26 April 2016 | Revenue

First Impressions: IFRS 15 Revenue-It’s time to engage Our digestible introduction to the clarified version of IFRS 15. 14 April 2016 | Revenue


Condensed interim disclosure checklist – 2016 edition 31 March 2016 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Condensed interim illustrative disclosures – 2016 edition 31 March 2016 | Guides to IFRS financial statements


Insurance Newsletter Issue 52 – Direction set for IFRS 4 amendments At its February meetings, the IASB instructed the staff to begin the balloting process for the forthcoming insurance contracts standard. 21 March 2016 | Insurance


Guide to annual financial statements: IFRS 9 – Illustrative disclosures for banks 15 March 2016 | Banking

Financial Instruments Newsletter Issue 28 – Characteristics of equity Looking at ways to improve IAS 32. 24 February 2016 | Financial Instruments


Disclosure on changes in financing liabilities Amendments to IAS 7 require additional disclosures. 12 February 2016 | Disclosures

The Bank Statement – Q4 2015 IFRS 9 implementation and Pillar 31 February 2016 | Banking

Deferred tax assets on unrealised losses IASB clarifies deferred tax treatment for debt instruments under IAS 12. 29 January 2016 | Income taxes 

Insurance Newsletter Issue 51 – Planned technical redeliberations now complete The IASB considered the level of aggregation for onerous contracts and allocation of CSM and continued its discussion regarding discretionary cash flows. 27 January 2016 | Insurance

Slideshare: IFRS 16 Leases – A more transparent balance sheet This SlideShare presentation gives a high-level visual summary of the key messages and the business impacts of the new leases standard. 13 January 2016 | Leases

New lease accounting standard brings added transparency to the balance sheet Press release on the new lease accounting standard IFRS 16. 13 January 2016 | Leases

First Impressions: IFRS 16 Leases – A more transparent balance sheet A detailed overview of the new leasing standard and its effect on financial statements. 12 January 2016 | Leases


Banks – Accounting for expected credit losses  Basel Committee issues guidance on credit risk and accounting for expected credit losses. 22 December 2015 | Banking


IFRS 9 Impairment Newsletter Issue 3 – ITG clarifies implementation issues The new expected credit loss model for the impairment of financial instruments has triggered a variety of implementation issues. 16 December 2015 | Financial instruments

Banks – EDTF guidance on new credit risk disclosures Principles on bank disclosures updated to reflect accounting for expected credit losses 9 December 2015 | Banking

Opening the black box: Demystifying IFRS 4 Phase 2  Through illustrative examples using one of the components of a complete set of IFRS financial statements. 8 December 2015 | Insurance


Disclosures – Regulator says quality, not quantity, is key  ESMA states key principles for improving disclosures in financial statements.  10 November 2015 | Disclosures

Annual disclosure checklists – 2015 edition 11 September 2015 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Annual illustrative disclosures – 2015 edition 11 September 2015 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Annual illustrative disclosures – IFRS 15 supplement 11 September 2015 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

IFRS 15 – 2018 effective date confirmed IASB confirms a one-year deferral of the effective date of its new revenue standard. 27 July 2015 | Revenue

Performance reporting – Conceptual Framework Would the IASB’s proposals resolve the long-standing issue of performance reporting?  29 June 2015 | The future of IFRS

Business combinations – Is IFRS 3 working as intended? The IASB has reviewed feedback on the effectiveness of business combination accounting.  19 June 2015 | Business Combinations

The future direction of IFRS What should be the core principles for setting accounting standards under IFRS?   28 May 2015 | The future of IFRS

Condensed interim disclosure checklist – 2015 edition 31 March 2015 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Condensed interim illustrative disclosures – 2015 edition 31 March 2015 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Making financial statements more relevant Clarifications to IAS 1 aim to improve financial statement disclosures.  15 January 2015 | Disclosures

Investment entities – Consolidation accounting Intermediate investment entities are the focus of these narrow-scope IFRS amendments. 8 January 2015 | Business Combinations


Guide to annual financial statements: IAS 39 – Illustrative disclosures for banks  18 December 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Construction – Implementing IFRS 15 With the arrival of the new revenue standard – IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers – the construction industry has effectively lost its contract accounting ‘rule book’. 30 September 2014 | Revenue

Transfer of assets in transaction with associate or JV Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 address long-standing accounting conflict for investors.  15 September 2014 | Business Combinations


First Impressions: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments This First Impressions provides our detailed analysis on the complete version of IFRS 9 Financial instruments, issued in July 2014. 11 September 2014 | Financial Instruments

Annual disclosure checklists – 2014 edition 11 September 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Annual illustrative disclosures – 2014 edition 11 September 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Annual illustrative disclosures – IFRS 12 supplement 11 September 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Separate financial statements – Equity method Amendments to IAS 27 allow use of equity method for separate financial statements. 13 August 2014 | Financial Instruments

Insurance – Implementing IFRS 9 The new financial instruments standard is part of a sea-change in reporting for insurers. 28 July 2014 | Financial Instruments

In the Headlines: Financial instruments – the complete standard Fundamental changes call for careful planning.   25 July 2014 | Financial Instruments 

Accounting for dynamic risk management activities A new approach to macro hedge accounting aims to better reflect risk management in IFRS.   22 July 2014 | Financial Instruments 

Business combinations – Interests in a joint operation Amendments to IFRS 11 will result in more consistent business combination accounting. 7 May 2014 | Business Combinations

Goodwill impairment – Who cares? KPMG report highlights stakeholder support for rethinking treatment of goodwill under IFRS. 2 April 2014 | Business Combinations

Condensed interim disclosure checklist – 2014 edition 1 April 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

Condensed interim illustrative disclosures – 2014 edition 1 April 2014 | Guides to IFRS financial statements

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