Technology, Media and Telecommunications

Technology, Media and Telecommunications

Represents a range of dynamic industry sectors which are experiencing opportunities and challenges caused by technological change.

Represents a range of sectors experiencing challenges caused by technological change.

KPMG's Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) practice represents a range of dynamic industry sectors which are experiencing many common opportunities and challenges caused by technological change, deregulation and convergence.

Hong Kong possesses one of the world's most advanced telecommunications infrastructures, a mature and competitive media and entertainment sector, and is the regional base of many electronics, software and IT services companies, with ready access to the manufacturing and development facilities in mainland China.

China's attractiveness as a manufacturing, development and processing hub, and the underexploitation of its marketplace, offer undeniable opportunities and challenges for businesses in all sectors of the TMT industry.

KPMG's TMT practice focuses on the following key industry sectors:



Fixed-line and mobile telecommunications networks, cable and satellite communications and Internet infrastructure.



Publishing, television, radio and film production, advertising, sports and other forms of content.



Software & IT ServicesSoftware development and distribution, IT consulting services, Internet and e-Business activities.

ElectronicsManufacture, supply and distribution of communications equipment, consumer and industrial electronic devices, computer equipment and semiconductors.