
International Markets

Benefit from KPMG's combined expertise and services in high-growth markets.

As traditional western markets become saturated in many sectors, forward-thinking companies in Switzerland are increasingly looking further afield for the next step on their expansion journey.

But for many firms, setting up a subsidiary, permanent establishment or strategic partnership outside their western comfort zone can be fraught with unexpected challenges and minefields.

An initiative’s success often hinges on the company’s ability to make well-informed decisions at each critical phase of business planning and implementation. A knowledgeable guide can make all the difference in navigating new territory - a different business culture, foreign rules and regulations and language barriers.

At KPMG Switzerland, our deep sector know-how, culture of knowledge transfer and close links with KPMG member firms worldwide position us to support your company’s expansion plans from beginning to end, wherever you’re heading.

Boasting an excellent business environment and competitive tax system, Switzerland itself is also a top destination for international companies seeking a base for fast and durable growth in Europe. Our multidisciplinary teams can leverage the same skills, contacts and cross-border expertise to support foreign firms looking to invest in Switzerland.

Leading the way for headquarters

As a gateway to Europe for multinational companies (MNCs), Switzerland is a popular choice for companies looking to set up regional or international headquarters. The country offers a stable and highly efficient business environment, has a favorable corporate tax system, excellent quality of life and a top infrastructure. All these aspects support efficient and streamlined headquarters.

Foreign companies wishing to do business in Europe need to clarify a range of questions before setting up regional headquarters, R&D unit, supply chain center or manufacturing plant in Switzerland. KPMG can provide you with valuable responses and insights, even answering questions you had not yet considered.

KPMG Switzerland hosts its own International Headquarters Cluster. Comprising an international network of professionals, the cluster is dedicated to supporting multinational companies (MNCs) with regional or international headquarters in Switzerland. We understand MNCs’ complex operational, regulatory and tax environment and are experienced in navigating change. The cluster uses KPMG’s Value Chain Analysis to help businesses make informed decisions as they transform, expand or (re)locate across Europe, offering a suite of services for MNCs at every stage of their business development journey.

We also have a strong track record in advising various organizations on economic promotion projects to attract foreign direct investments.

  • Market entry and beyond. We support your journey to set up regional or international headquarters or setting up a new one, from market entry to business development and ongoing management. With our broad experience and expertise in the subject, we can tackle all the challenges that you might experience on the way.
  • Value Chain design. Our core competences lie in the analysis and restructuring of the entire value chain of MNCs. Our goal is to help you align efficient and sustainable business and tax models across Europe
  • Supply chain. Create, transport and retain value with the help of our supply chain and logistics experts.
  • Informed choices. Discuss your tax and legal concerns with our professionals as the basis for well-informed decision-making.
  • Knowledge matters. We help you stay on top of data protection requirements and intellectual property rules to protect your assets and reputation.
  • Compliance confidence. Our specialists guide you through the regulatory environment so you can be confident of compliance in and outside Switzerland.

Unlocking insights: addressing market trends and challenges

Africa, with its high growth rates, burgeoning population and growing middle class is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign investors.

Stepping into Africa

KPMG Switzerland works with member firms across the continent to help you understand the complexities of doing business in this promising growth region. With close links to 34 KPMG offices serving 54 countries in Africa, we can mobilize the precise resources that you need to realize your specific country and sector initiatives.

Our deep expertise on Africa’s opportunities supports Swiss headquarters in setting up efficient structures. Getting it right from the start enables tax-efficient capital allocation and payment to the headquarters, and facilitates compliance with local regulations. It also means an up-to-date supply chain that considers specific local restrictions and customs requirements.

Successful African companies are also discovering the Swiss and European markets. Boasting an excellent business environment and competitive tax system, Switzerland is a top destination for international firms seeking a base for fast and durable growth in Europe.

KPMG Switzerland can help smooth the way for the next step in your company’s transformation.

KPMG’s expertise in and out of Africa

  • Understand the continent. Country level information on the socio political and economic situation, and market research.
  • Navigate new territory. We provide advisory services to guide you away from risks and towards best-informed opportunities and to assist you in managing the different regulations.
  • Specific services. Drawing on links with KPMG member firms in Africa, we narrow down our services to country, sector or even product-specific advice.
  • Team up. Identify business partners and employees with the skill set needed for your business

KPMG Switzerland empowers clients to develop truly regional strategies that mitigate risk, improve performance and bring sustainable results in Asia.

Accessing Asian markets

With solid growth, high domestic demand and declining political risks, the Asia-Pacific region is an attractive prospect for Swiss based Multinational Companies looking to benefit from the world largest consumer markets. Language barriers, foreign rules and regulations and a new business culture can hinder companies’ attempts to create value in the region.

KPMG supports clients and empowers them to develop truly regional strategies that mitigate risk, improve performance and bring sustainable results.

Our broad knowledge and understanding of business and markets in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and other Asian markets help you anticipate, understand and manage the many commercial and country-specific challenges facing them. KPMG Switzerland has extensive experiences in assisting Swiss based multinational companies to expand or restructure their operations in these countries.

In collaboration with local partner firms from our global KPMG network we coordinate all service lines of KPMG Switzerland and external partners through an experienced and multilingual team which has the knowledge and resources to conduct engagements of all sizes. Based on this know-how, we are able to provide high quality one-stop-shop services you need to achieve your goals on all Asia-related matters.

KPMG’s expertise in Asian markets

  • Market entry and beyond. We support your journey to or from Asia, from market entry to business development, ongoing management as well as entering the European Market via an operation in Switzerland.
  • Buying a business. If you are considering buying a business, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists helps you ask and answer the right questions throughout the acquisition life cycle.
  • Selling a business. If you are considering selling a business, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists works with you to ask and answer the right questions throughout the divestment process.
  • Collaborating. Creating and setting up a successful joint venture or business alliance involves specialized skills. Employing a global mindset, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists supports you through the life cycle of a joint venture or alliance.
  • Funding a business. Optimizing your capital structure is essential to sustainable growth. KPMG’s integrated team of specialists guides you through the process of raising capital in both the debt and equity markets.
  • Fixing a business. The right business transformation strategy can drive a rapid turnaround from crisis to value realization. KPMG helps you get control by reviewing your options and building a sustainable turnaround plan.


In particular, KPMG Switzerland has established the China Deal Advisory Desk to address the specific needs and business issues of Chinese firms investing in Switzerland and vice versa. In a complex market filled with constant change, Chinese enterprises are highly ambitious, and are seeking a sustainable mode of development by transforming their growth model.

From helping you plan and implement strategic change to measurably increasing portfolio value, we focus on delivering tangible results. And we’re also already thinking of your next deal down the road – in China, Japan, Korea or elsewhere in Asia.

For companies with links to India, KPMG is a valuable partner beyond market entry and into the development and management phase.

Booming business in India

India has been an important and fixed point on the internationalization map of many companies for decades, whether as a sales, market or production location. One of the largest growth markets worldwide, the country looks set to enjoy continued - high rate - economic growth. Although the Indian market is established as an opportunity for Swiss companies, red tape and a dense regulatory environment discourage many from taking the next step.

Companies doing business with or in India often have questions around compliance and regulatory requirements, including the use of special economic zone (SEZ) advantages. They also appreciate insights on financing their Indian operations, applicable transfer pricing regulations and how to deal with money transfers, especially repatriation of funds to Switzerland.

With many years’ experience and close ties between KPMG professionals in Switzerland and India, KPMG is expertly positioned to understand the complexities of doing business on the sub-continent and to support your company’s activities in India.

Our deep expertise on India’s contrasts and opportunities and leading position as provider of professional services means we can deliver informed perspectives, local knowledge and clear, value-adding solutions.

We facilitate and support your market entry in India, whatever your sector. Already highly familiar with the conditions in India, our specialists also have full access to the expertise of local KPMG colleagues. This makes KPMG a valuable partner for you beyond market entry and into the development and management phase of your presence in India.

Successful Indian companies are also discovering the Swiss and European markets. Boasting an excellent business environment and competitive tax system, Switzerland is a top destination for international firms seeking a base for fast and durable growth in Europe.

KPMG Switzerland has recently supported various Indian groups in setting up their global supply chains and can use the insights gained to smooth the way for your company’s next transformation step.

The Middle East region is gaining new impulses as a hub for global and regional trade.

Advancing in the Middle East

Located between some of the world’s oldest trading routes, the Middle East region remains a hub for global and regional trade today.

With a mix of developed and developing countries, the region places significant emphasis on strengthening economic diversification and the regulatory environment. Swiss companies stand to benefit from substantial opportunities if they invest now in longer-term growth.

At KPMG, we know that local developments must be seen in a larger, global and also political context to enable strategic thinking.

KPMG experts in Switzerland work closely with subject-specific regional hubs, leveraging KPMG’s global infrastructure to maintain a high level of client service throughout the Middle Eastern region.

Today, with over 6,500 professionals and associates working across 30 office locations in 14 countries, we are among the largest and most resourced professional service networks in the region. With a strong track record throughout the region, we are particularly experienced in supporting clients in Turkey and Dubai.

As part of the global KPMG network of member firms, we are able to leverage a broad pool of skilled and experienced professionals with intimate understanding of their local markets and functional domains.

KPMG’s expertise in the Middle East

  • Tax compliance. We help your company understand and comply with the complex system of tax and duties in Middle East.
  • Playing fair. Our Forensic services help you prevent, uncover and handle misconduct, fraud or rule violations.
  • Legal certainty. We provide legal services that you can trust in cooperation with our long-standing partners in the country.
  • Market entry. With our understanding of the local conditions and regulatory framework, KPMG provides advisory services across borders.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a business, our integrated team of specialists helps you ask and answer the right questions throughout the M&A life cycle.


Turkey is one of the fastest-growing emerging economies in the world, with significant improvements in a short space of time securing an impressive position in a global comparison. Already the 18th largest economy in the world, Turkey ranks 6th when compared with the EU countries, according to GDP figures (PPP) in 2016.

We work closely with KPMG Turkey to assist our Swiss and Turkish clients with their mutual investments and business undertaking. A culture of exchange, knowledge and experience of the Swiss and Turkish legal and regulatory landscapes form the basis for our support in a variety of areas including:

  • Structuring/restructuring of investments in and by Turkey
  • Evaluation of tax exemptions/incentives that may be granted in Turkey to investments in some specific regions/sectors/activities (e.g. establishment of a Regional Management Center in Turkey under a liaison office structure)
  • Reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions
  • Cross-border financial structures 
  • VAT and customs treatment of international goods and service flows in line with state-of-the-art supply chain structuring

KPMG’s significant presence in Turkey enables us to serve the large number of inbound clients in Turkey and the growing number of domestic companies with international ambitions.

Already a top location for Swiss investment and trade, the US is a natural choice for Swiss firms looking to expand internationally – and vice versa.

All about business – the US

Switzerland has been one of the largest foreign investors in the US for many years, rivalling the spend of much larger economies and populations including France or Germany. In terms of export, the US is Switzerland’s second most important market worldwide (after Germany), with outgoing trade growing steadily over the last 10 years and continuing to do so.

Swiss companies are active investors across industries in the US, including manufacturing, wholesale, retail and services. Swiss affiliates are especially powerful contributors in financial services as well as pharmaceuticals and food manufacturing.

The US is an attractive prospect for Swiss-based multinational companies (MNCs) wishing to tap into the potential of the country’s huge consumer markets. Along their journey to success in the US, companies, funds and other investors typically face unique issues.

A knowledgeable guide can help smooth the way for market entry and beyond. For instance, timely and comprehensive tax advice can help you cut through the complexities of US laws – especially important in a changing tax landscape.

Switzerland is also a major export market for US goods and services. Boasting an excellent business environment and competitive tax system, Switzerland is a top destination for US companies seeking a base for fast and durable growth in Europe. KPMG Switzerland supports US groups with established regional headquarters in Switzerland as well as those that are just starting out with their European growth endeavors.

KPMG Switzerland has extensive experience in assisting both Swiss-based and US-based MNCs with their expansion or restructuring plans in the US or Europe, respectively.

In collaboration with our KPMG colleagues in the US, KPMG Switzerland’s professionals work closely across disciplines to deliver tailored support, leveraging collective experience and coordinating internal and external offerings. Our flexible and mobile team has the knowledge and resources to conduct engagements of all sizes in the US, Switzerland or both. As your one-stop-shop partner, we provide the full spectrum of high-quality services that you need to achieve your US-related business goals.

KPMG’s US market expertise

  • Market entry and beyond. We support your journey to or from the US, from market entry in the US or Europe via Switzerland. We help you through the critical initial phase of business development, including evaluation of the most appropriate site and use of financial incentives, as well as with ongoing management.
  • Buying a business. If you are considering buying a business in Switzerland or the US, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists helps you ask and answer the right questions throughout the acquisition life cycle.
  • Selling a business. If you are considering selling a business in Switzerland or the US, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists works with you to ask and answer the right questions throughout the divestment process.
  • Collaborating. Creating and setting up a successful joint venture or business alliance involves specialized skills. Employing a global mindset, KPMG’s integrated team of specialists supports you through the life cycle of a joint venture or alliance in or between the US and Switzerland.
  • Funding a business. Optimizing your capital structure is essential to sustainable growth, especially during expansion abroad. KPMG’s integrated team of specialists guides you through the process of raising capital in both the debt and equity markets.
  • Fixing a business. The right business transformation strategy can drive a rapid turnaround from crisis to value realization. KPMG helps you get control by reviewing your options and building a sustainable turnaround plan.

Our capabilities


Tax consulting

We help our clients manage tax, remain compliant and drive transformation in a landscape of regulatory, societal and technological change.


We aspire to be your law firm of choice thanks to our global reach and a multidisciplinary approach that leverages digital capabilities.


Technology-enabled audit, financial reporting, reporting, and internal audit - we support you in all aspects of audit services.

Deal Advisory

Unlock maximum value with our comprehensive deal advisory & transaction services. Elevate your business deals from strategy to implementation.

Management consulting

We help clients face today's challenges with technology-enabled business transformations and solutions through strategy & management consulting.

Cyber & Digital Risk consulting

Helping you respond fast and safeguard business continuity as you deliver value in our digital world.

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Meet our experts

Stefan Kuhn
Stefan Kuhn

Partner, Head of Tax & Legal, Member of the Executive Committee

KPMG Switzerland

Janick Pochon

Partner, Tax

KPMG Switzerland

Vincent Thalmann

Partner, Location Leader Geneva, Head of Corporate Tax Western Switzerland

KPMG Switzerland

Olivier Eichenberger
Olivier Eichenberger

Director, Corporate Tax

KPMG Switzerland