

Trust and transparency. We offer independent audit services that deliver deeper insights.

The purpose of external auditing is to ensure the security and transparency of information that is of key importance to clients, investors and the capital markets. Our audit teams deliver independent, objective and professional results based on innovative technologies. 

Our clients include midsized businesses with a local focus as well as companies with global operations from a variety of industries.

Our technology-enabled audit combines human knowledge with digital expertise. Relevant data is identified, generated and assessed. In this way, we as auditors contribute to greater effectiveness and support the building of trust in the capital markets.

With our other services we help

  • the financial functions of companies
  • our clients in implementing regulatory requirements
  • assess their risk monitoring systems and
  • advise on opportunities and risks arising from transformation and digitalization, and how these could be managed.

Our capabilities

Unlocking insights: addressing market trends and challenges

Future of Audit

The audit of tomorrow will be very different from the audit of today. Advanced technologies are enhancing audit quality and efficiency as we speak.

However, alongside these opportunities come challenges, such as a new league of cyber risks and the opacity of black boxes relating to Artificial Intelligence. At the same time, stakeholders have higher expectations of the auditor's work. Expectations that reach beyond the traditional financial domain.

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ESG & Sustainability

How to create more transparency for stakeholders and the society?

Companies and the capital market play a key role as we transform our current economic system into a sustainable model. Investors and consumers alike expect – and need – more transparency on companies' sustainability strategy and performance.

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Client groups

Corporate clients

We prepare financial statements, support companies when switching accounting standards or preparing for IPOs and advise on accounting issues.

Occupational benefits institutions (BVG)

Our specialists assist boards of trustees and managing directors of pension funds in fulfilling their management duties.

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Financial institutions

Get the latest technologies and extensive know-how from financial services experts specialized in banking, insurance and asset management.

Board members

Our competence center "Board Leadership Center" shows the latest findings and trends for board members.

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We combine practical insights and a multidisciplinary approach to help clients build trust and transparency.

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