
Supporting your career as a board member

Welcome to KPMG’s Board Leadership Center

What is KPMG's Board Leadership Center and how does it benefit you?

Our Board Leadership Center is a dedicated platform for business leaders. Whatever your sector, the business environment is changing as the world faces disruptive trends, technological advances and shifting priorities. Your organization will have its own specific challenges, strategic priorities and goals. But many of the questions your board is asking are on the agenda of other companies’ boards as well. 

We bring together people and resources to address the most pressing, multi-disciplinary issues across sectors and board committees.

"If you are a board member, this is your platform. We want to share outstanding knowledge and the latest findings and bring you together with other great thinkers and leaders."


Rolf Hauenstein
Head of the Board Leadership Center, KPMG Switzerland

Your challenges - our solutions

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Welcome to KPMG's Board Leadership Center
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Welcome to KPMG's Board Leadership Center
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Welcome to KPMG's Board Leadership Center
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Welcome to KPMG's Board Leadership Center
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We regularly talk to high-profile board members and personalities from the world of business, politics and science. Read our latest interview and be sure to visit this page from time to time to learn what the experts are saying about emerging hot topics.


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Welcome to KPMG's Board Leadership Center
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In this section, you’ll find all the articles from our most recent newsletter. We provide cutting-edge insights into current topics to help board members face their boardroom challenges.

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Your key contacts

Rolf Hauenstein
Rolf Hauenstein

Partner, Head of Markets Audit, Head of Board Leadership Center

KPMG Switzerland

Hélène Béguin
Hélène Béguin

Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Audit Partner

KPMG Switzerland

Reto Eberle
Prof. Dr. Reto Eberle

Partner, Member of the Department of Professional Practice

KPMG Switzerland

Florin Janine Krapp
Florin Krapp

Partner, Sector Head Retail, Audit

KPMG Switzerland