
Feedback & complaints

KPMG takes any complaints about the quality of our services or the behavior of our people very seriously.

If you have a complaint about the quality of KPMG’s professional services, or are not satisfied with any aspect of your dealings with KPMG Switzerland, you are invited to share your concerns with a trusted partner or a senior member of staff. If this fails to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, or if you wish to report possible illegal, unethical or improper conduct involving KPMG Switzerland or any of its people, please follow one of the following courses of action:

  • Contact Hans-Dieter Krauss, Head of National Quality & Risk Management, either through an online contact form or by writing to him at KPMG AG, Badenerstrasse 172, 8004 Zurich
  • Contact our external Ombudsman Dr. Stefan H. Schalch, either through an online contact form or by writing to him at Legis Rechstanwälte AG, Forchstrasse 2 / Kreuzplatz, PO Box 1467, 8032 Zurich
  • Contact our whistleblowing hotline, which is operated by ClearView Connects, an external organization that provides a platform for reporting issues or concerns. Reports can either be submitted via a secure website, by phone or in writing, and can even be made anonymously, if desired. To submit a report by phone, contact the KPMG International Hotline by calling the toll-free number 00800 5555 5522 at any time. The toll-free number may not work from all locations, mobile phones or pay phones. If your call does not go through, please alternatively dial the US collect number: +1 647 438 6817 (standard rates may apply). All concerns raised through the hotline will be investigated either directly by, or under the supervision of, our Ombudsman.


Whistle-blowing Hotline

Our whistle-blowing hotline, which is operated by the external provider ClearView Connects, provides a platform for reporting issues or concerns.