Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd.

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd

Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd

KPMG Inc. was appointed as Monitor (the "Monitor" or "KPMG") pursuant to an order (the "Initial Order") issued by the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (the "Court") on April 10, 2019 filed by Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd. (collectively, the "Company") under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985 c. C-36 as amended (the "CCAA")

The Initial Order granted, amongst other things, a stay of proceedings until May 6, 2019 while the Company pursues restructuring initiatives under the CCAA. 

On May 6, 2019, the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta granted a stay extension until and including June 5, 2019. Additionally, the Court approved the payment of the First Installment in accordance with the provisions of the KERP.

On May 9, 2019, the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta granted a revised stay extension until and including September 30, 2019. Further, the Court approved the SISP and the Stalking Horse Bid.

On September 20, 2019, the Company obtained an order extending the stay of proceedings until and including November 29, 2019.

On October 11, 2019, the Company obtained an order extending the stay of proceedings until and including December 31, 2019. Further, the Court approved the Amended KERP and Claims Procedure.

On December 3, 2019, the Company obtained an order extending the stay of proceedings until and including January 31, 2020. On January 28, 2020, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta granted an Alberta Receivership Order and a Northwest Territories Receivership Order, resulting in the transition from the CCAA Proceedings to Receivership.

On February 27, 2020, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta granted an Order approving the SISP.

On November 24, 2020 the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta granted an Order for Partial Discharge of the Receiver.

The Receiver will post additional relevant information and documentation related to these proceedings on the Receiver's website as they become available.

Contact Information



Receivership Matters:


Sales and Investment Solicitation Process

Sales and Investment Solicitation Package [PDF 66 KB]


Court Order

Alberta Receivership Order dated January 28, 2020 [PDF 741 KB]

Northwest Territories Receivership Order dated January 28, 2020 [PDF 984 KB]

Order (SISP Approval) dated February 27, 2020 [PDF 1.2 MB] 2020-02-27

Partial Discharge Order filed November 24, 2020 [PDF 1.1 MB]

Approval of Receiver's Activities, R&D and Fees filed July 20, 2021 [PDF 962 KB]

Approval of Sales Advisors & SSP filed July 20, 2021 [PDF 1.3 MB]


Motion Materials

Application (Appointment of a Receiver and Manager) dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 3 MB] 2020-01-22

Statement of Claim dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 403 KB] 2020-01-22

Affidavit of Harold Randall dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 9.2 MB] 2020-01-22

Application for Order (re Approval of SISP) dated February 14, 2020 [PDF 473 KB] 2020-02-14

Affidavit of Jeline Nantes dated February 27, 2020 [PDF 2.1 MB] 2020-02-27

Application for Alberta Receiver Discharge filed November 2, 2020 [PDF 1.3 MB]


Letter to Service List

Letter to Service List (re Appointment of Receiver) dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 123 KB] 2020-01-22

Letter to Service List (re Application for Approval of the SISP) dated February 14, 2020 [PDF 948 KB] 2020-02-14



Form 87 - Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. and Strategic Transmission Ltd. [120KB] 2020-02-07

List of Known Unsecured Creditors [32 KB] 2020-02-11


Receiver’s Report

First Report of the Receiver [PDF 441KB] 2020-02-04

Second Report of the Receiver [PDF 533 KB]

Third Report of the Receiver [PDF 1.2 MB]


CCAA Matters:

Claims Procedure:

Notice to Creditors [PDF 86KB]

Proof of Claim [PDF 83KB]


Sale and Investment Solicitation Process:

Sale and Investment Solicitation Package [PDF 127 KB]


Court Order

CCAA Initial Order dated April 10, 2019 [PDF 4.9 MB] 2019-04-10

CCAA Order Sealing Confidential Exhibit dated April 10, 2019 [PDF 676.3 KB]  2019-04-10

Order (Stay Extension and KERP Payment) [PDF 507 KB]  2019-05-06

Order (Approval of SISP, Stalking Horse and Stay Extension) [PDF 6.7 MB]  2019-05-09

Order (Stay Extension, Amended KERP) [PDF 741KB] 2019-10-11

Order (Claims Procedure) [PDF 608KB] 2019-10-11

Order (Stay Extension) [PDF 572 KB] 2019-12-03

Order (Approval of Monitor's Conduct, Fees) dated February 27, 2020 [PDF 946 KB] 2020-02-27

Restricted Court Access Letter filed July 15, 2020 [PDF 1 MB]

Approval and Vesting Order (Sale by Receiver) filed July 15, 2020 [PDF 1.5 MB]


Motion Materials

Affidavit of Remi Anthony Berthelet dated April 10, 2019 [PDF 23.6 MB]  2019-04-10

Bench Brief of the Applicants dated April 10, 2019 [PDF 4.7 MB]  2019-04-10

Consent to Act CCAA [PDF 228.2 KB]  2019-04-10

Originating Application dated April 10, 2019 [PDF 13.5 MB]  2019-04-10

Affidavit of Remi Anthony (Tony) Berthelet (Extension Application) [PDF 2.9 MB]  2019-04-29

Application (Extension) [PDF 1.6 MB]  2019-04-29

Amended Application [PDF 4.4 MB]  2019-05-03

Application (Stay Extension) [PDF 1.8MB] 2019-09-11

Affidavit of Remi Anthony Berthelet (Stay Extension) [PDF 805 KB] 2019-09-11

Affidavit of Amanda Reitenbach dated October 4, 2019 [PDF 175 KB]

Application (Amended KERP, Claims Procedure Order, Plan, Meeting Order) [PDF1.6 MB]

Application (re: Extending Stay Extension) [PDF 1.9MB] 2019-11-27

Second Affidavit of Amanda Reitenbach [PDF 853KB] 2019-11-27

Affidavit of S. Danielisz [PDF 442 KB] 2019-12-12

Affidavit of Amanda Reitenbach dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 4.5MB]

Application (Update to court) dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 1.2 MB]

Application for Order (re Approval of Monitor’s Conduct Fees etc.) dated February 14, 2020 [PDF 500KB] 2020-02-14

Affidavit of Jeline Nantes dated February 27, 2020 [PDF 2.1 MB] 2020-02-27


Letter to Service List

Letter to Service List [PDF 637 KB]  2019-04-29

Letter to Service List (Amended Application) [PDF 737 KB] 2019-05-03

Letter to Service List (First Supplemental) [PDF 1.8 MB] 2019-05-03

Letter to Service List (re Order Stay Extension and KERP Payment) [PDF 5.6 MB] 2019-05-06

Letter to Service List (Second Supplemental) [PDF 1.8 MB]

Letter to Service List (re Order Approval of SISP, Stalking Horse and Stay Extension) [PDF 758 KB] 2019-05-10

Letter to Service (Stay Extension) [PDF 906 KB] 2019-09-11

Letter to Service (Second Report of the Monitor) [PDF 448KB] 2019-09-11

Letter of Service (Stay Extension) [PDF 1.4MB] 2019-09-23

Letter to Service List (Application Affidavit) [PDF 880KB]

Letter to Service List (Third Report of the Monitor) [PDF 1.7MB]

Letter to Service List (Stay Extension, Amended KERP, Claims Procedures)  [PDF 902KB] 2019-10-11

Letter to Service List (re Application Documents) [PDF 986KB] 2019-11-27

Letter to Service List (Fourth Report of the Monitor) [PDF 582KB] 2019-11-29

Letter to Service List (re Order - Stay Extension) [PDF 937KB] 2019-12-05

Letter to Service List (re Application documents) dated January 22, 2020 [PDF 990 KB]

Letter to Service List (re Fifth Report of the Monitor) dated January 23, 2020 [PDF 1.8MB] 2020-01-23



Letter to Creditors [PDF 91 KB]  2019-04-12

List of Known Creditors with Claims over $1,000 [PDF 82 KB]  2019-04-12


Monitor's Report

First Report of the Monitor [PDF 6.7 MB]  2019-04-29

First Supplemental Report of the Monitor [PDF 3.2 MB]  2019-05-03

Second Supplemental Report of the Monitor [PDF 829 KB]  2019-05-09

Second Report of the Monitor [PDF 1.1 MB] 2019-09-11

Third Report of the Monitor [PDF 3.9 MB]

Fourth Report of the Monitor [PDF 2.7MB] 2019-11-29

Fifth Report of the Monitor [PDF 1.2 MB]

Sixth Report of the Monitor [PDF 324KB] 2020-02-14




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