PrimeWest Mortgage Investment Corporation


Creditor and stakeholder information

Creditor and stakeholder information

​KPMG Inc. was affirmed as liquidator appointed over the assets and undertakings of PrimeWest Mortgage investment Corporation ("PrimeWest"), pursuant to a court order of the Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan dated October 31, 2019.

Contact information




Update to stakeholders of PrimeWest [PDF 86 KB] - 2021-02-10

Update to stakeholders of PrimeWest [PDF 92 KB] - 2020-09-29

Update to stakeholders of PrimeWest [PDF 279 KB] - 2022-03-18

Update to stakeholders of PrimeWest [PDF 226 KB] - 2022-09-12

Update to stakeholders of PrimeWest [PDF 300 KB] - 2023-06-07


Court Orders

Interim Approval Order, issued 2020-12-04 [PDF 1.9 MB]

PrimeWest liquidation order dated October 31, 2019 [PDF 4.7 MB] - 2019-10-31

Amended and Restated Order dated Nov 25, 2019 [PDF 8.1 MB] - 2019-11-25

Claims Process Order - Issued January 10, 2020 [PDF 837 KB] - 2020-01-10

Interim Approval Order - Issued January 10, 2020 [PDF 94 KB] - 2020-01-10

Interim Stay order dated October 25, 2019 [PDF 138 KB]

Order Approving Litigation Plan [PDF 105 KB]


Motion Materials

Filed Discontinuance [PDF 273 KB] - 2022-10-13

Notice of Discontinuance - Filed [PDF 246 KB]  - 2022-10-13

Affidavit of Marlene Kaminsky with exhibits [PDF 24 MB] - 2019-10-09

Supplementary affidavit of Kaminsky [PDF 663 KB] - 2019-10-23

Letter to Q.B Saskatoon [PDF 120 KB] - 2020-05-22

Affidavit of Natasha Halvorson, sworn May 22, 2020 [PDF 14 KB] - 2020-05-22

Compendium of Filed Evidence Relied Upon by the Applicant, KPMG Inc. [PDF 1.2 MB] - 2020-05-22

Notice of Application - Advice and Directions [PDF 126 KB] - 2020-05-22

Affidavit of Nicholas Conlon, sworn Feb 1 2021 [PDF 2.9 MB]

Memorandum to the Presiding Judge [PDF 164 KB]

Notice of Motion to Perfect Appeal [PDF 120 KB]


Application materials

Respondent's Brief of Law [PDF 3 MB]

Notice of Motion to Quash [PDF 79 KB]

Originating application [PDF 402 KB] - 2019-10-09

Notice of Application - Interim Approval and Claims Process [PDF 67 KB]

Brief of Law dated June 8, 2020 [PDF 2.5 MB] - 2020-06-08

Compendium of filed evidence on behalf of the Respondent CACV 3678 [PDF 20.1 MB] - 2020-09-30

Notice of Application FINAL [PDF 117 KB]

Notice of Application dated August 16, 2021 [PDF 138 KB]



Notice and Statement of Liquidator dated Nov 6, 2019 [PDF 168 KB] - 2019-11-06


Liquidator's Reports

First Liquidator's report dated Dec 18, 2019 [PDF 255 KB]

Supplemental Liquidator's report for the Court of Appeal [PDF 6 MB]

Second Liquidator’s report dated Nov 19, 2020 [PDF 9.1 MB]

Second Supplemental Report of the Liquidator [PDF 661 KB]

Third Liquidator's Report dated Nov 3, 2022 [PDF 346 KB]


Service List

Service List - December 17, 2019 [PDF 90 KB]

Service list - September 11, 2020 [PDF 45 KB]

Service List – November 19, 2020 [PDF 100 KB]


Claims Process

Claims Package [PDF 101 KB]

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