Laura's Shoppe (P.V.) Inc. - (2020)

Laura's Shoppe (P.V.) Inc.

Creditor and stakeholder information.

Creditor and stakeholder information.


On July 31, 2020, the Commercial Division of the Quebec Superior Court of the District of Montreal (the "Court") has issued an order (the "First-Day Initial Order") pursuant the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA"). The First-Day Initial Order provided a stay of proceedings against Laura's Shoppe (P.V.) Inc. ("Laura" or the "Company") until August 10, 2020. Pursuant to the First-Day Initial Order, KPMG Inc. ("KPMG" or the "Monitor") was appointed Monitor of the Company.

On August 10, 2020, the Court has issued an order amending and restating the Initial Order (the "Amended and Restated Initial Order") and extending the stay of proceedings against the Company until September 25, 2020.

On August 28, 2020, the Court has issued a claims procedure order ("Claim Procedure Order"). In addition of the approval of the claim procedures, the Claim Procedure Order extended the stay of proceedings against the Company until October 30, 2020.

On September 25, 2020, the Court has issued an order appointing KPMG as receiver ("Order Appointing a Receiver") solely for the purpose of allowing the terminated employees of the Company whose employment was terminated during the restructuring proceedings under the CCAA to receive some recovery pursuant to the Wage Earner Protection Program Act ("WEPPA").

On October 23, 2020, the Court has issued an order extending the stay of proceedings and granting other relief. The stay of proceeding was extended to January 29, 2021.

On January 29, 2021, the Court has issued an order extending the stay of proceedings. The stay of proceeding was extended to February 24, 2021.

On February 24, 2021, the Court has issued an order extending the stay of proceedings. The stay of proceeding was extended to April 30, 2021.

On April 1, 2021, the Court has issued an order authorizing the filing of the plan of compromise and arrangement ("Plan"), the calling of a creditors' meeting and extending the stay of proceedings ("Creditors' Meeting Order"). The stay of proceeding was extended to May 31, 2021.

On May 21, 2021, the Court has issued an order extending the date of the creditors' meeting and the stay of proceedings the ("May 21, 2021 Order"). The date of the creditor's meeting was extended to July 23, 2021 and stay of proceeding was extended to July 30, 2021.

Creditors' Meeting to vote on the Plan

On July 6, 2021, the Plan was amended (the "Amended Plan") which incorporates minor changes and clarifications by the Compagnie in section 2.4 and 9.7 of the Plan.

In accordance with the Creditors' Meeting Order and the May 21, 2021 Order, the creditors' meeting was held on July 7, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) by videoconference (the "Creditors' Meeting").

During the Creditors' Meeting, the Affected Creditors voted in favor of the Amended Plan in presence or by proxies at more that 98% in number and close to 100% in value.

On July 14, 2021, the Court issued a Sanction Order sanctioning the Amended Plan and on the same date, the Company transferred the distribution amount pursuant to the Amended Plan to the Monitor.

On July 15, 2021, the Monitor filed the Certificate of Performance with the Court, in accordance with the Amended Plan and the Sanction Order.

The Monitor plans to make the distribution to the Affected Creditors before the end of the month of August 2021.

Contact informationKPMG Inc. 514-840-2311


Application for the Issuance of (I) a first-day Initial Order and (II) an Amended and restated Initial Order - 2020-07-27 [PDF 2001 KB]

Application for a Claims Procedure Order  - 2020-08-21 [PDF 1418 KB]

Motion by the Monitor/Proposed Receiver for a Receivership Order - 2020-09-23 [PDF 381 KB]

Application to extend the stay of proceedings - 2020-10-20 [PDF 1200 KB]

Application to Extend the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-01-21 [PDF 514 KB]

Application to Extend the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-02-18 [PDF 1226 KB]

Application for an Order Authorizing the Filing of the Plan of Compromise and Arrangement, the Calling of a Creditors’ Meeting and Extending the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-03-26 [PDF 1874 KB]

Application for an Order Extending the Date of the Creditors' Meeting and Extending the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-05-14 [PDF 1212 KB]

Application for an order sanctioning the plan of compromise and arrangement [PDF 1506 KB] - 2021-07-08


First-day Initial Order - 2020-07-31 [PDF 332 KB]

Amended and Restated Initial Order - 2020-08-10 [PDF 312 KB]

Claims Procedure Order - 2020-08-28  [PDF 380 KB]

Order appointing a Receivership - 2020-09-25 [PDF 217 KB]

Order extending the stay of proceedings and granting other relief - 2020-10-23 [PDF 172 KB]

Order extending the stay of proceedings - 2021-01-29 [PDF 660 KB]

Order extending the stay of proceedings - 2021-02-24 [PDF 678 KB]

Order Authorizing the Filing of the Plan of Compromise and Arrangement, the Calling of a Creditors’ Meeting and Extending the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-04-01 [PDF 739 KB]

Order Extending the Date of the Creditors' Meeting and Extending the Stay of Proceedings - 2021-05-21 [PDF 591 KB]

Sanction Order [PDF 1621 KB] - 2021-07-14


Pre-filing report of the proposed Monitor - 2020-07-27 [PDF 181 KB]

First Report of the Monitor - 2020-08-06 [PDF 88 KB]

Second Report of the Monitor - 2020-08-26 [PDF 97 KB]

Third Report of the Monitor - 2020-10-20 [PDF 112 KB]

Fourth Report of the Monitor - 2021-01-22 [PDF 119 KB]

Fifth Report of the Monitor - 2021-02-22 [PDF 117 KB]

Sixth Report of the Monitor - 2021-03-30 [PDF 366 KB]

Seventh Report of the Monitor - 2021-05-20 [PDF 279 KB]

Report of the Monitor on the State of Debtor's Affairs and the Plan of Compromise and Arrangement [PDF 1274 KB] - 2021-06-21

Eighth Report of the Monitor [PDF 869 KB] - 2021-07-12


Notices to creditors - 2020-08-07 [PDF 63 KB]

List of creditors

List of creditors - 2020-08-07 [PDF 131 KB]

Service list

Service list - 2022-06-28 [163 KB]

Instructions to creditors and proofs of claim

Instructions to creditors, Proofs of Claim and Proxy - 2020-09-02 [PDF 132 KB]


Proof of Claim Form (regular) [PDF 44 KB]

Notes to employees - How to complete the form [PDF 287 KB]

WEPPA - Letter and information [PDF 120 KB]

Meeting Materials

Amended Plan of Compromise and Arrangement [PDF 416 KB] - 2021-07-06

Meeting Materials [PDF 138 KB] - 2021-06-21

Notice to Creditors of the Meeting of Creditors and the Sanction Hearing [PDF 192 KB] - 2021-06-21

Creditor letter [PDF 1158 KB] - 2021-06-22

Plan of Compromise and Arrangement (in English only) [PDF 397 KB] - 2021-03-26

Affected Creditors, Proxy and Voting Form (including instructions for completion) [PDF 198 KB] - 2021-06-21

Registration to the Creditors' Meeting [PDF 138 KB] - 2021-06-21

Resolution of Affected Creditors at the Creditors' Meeting [PDF 141 KB] - 2021-06-21


Cetificate of performance [PDF 158 KB] - 2021-07-14

Certificate of Completion [PDF 217 KB]- 2022-07-04

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