Bearstone Environmental Solutions Inc.

Bearstone Environmental Solutions Inc.

Creditor and stakeholder information.

Creditor and stakeholder information.

KPMG Inc. was appointed receiver and manager (the "Receiver") of Bearstone Environmental Solutions Inc. (the "Company") pursuant to a Receiver Appointment Order of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta dated August 6, 2019 (the "Receivership Order").

Contact information:



Bankruptcy Matters

Creditors Package

Notice of Bankruptcy and First Meeting of Creditors [PDF 830 KB]


Receivership Matters

Creditors Package

Form 87 Bearstone [PDF 1.2 MB] - 08/16/2019


Court Orders

Receivership Order filed August 7, 2019 [PDF 723KB] - 08/07/2019

Sale Approval and Vesting Order [PDF 371KB] - 08/07/2019

Order Approving Auction Agreement [PDF 398 KB] - 10/08/2019

Order - Interim Distribution, Activities and Fees [PDF 180 KB] - 10/08/2019

Sealing Order [PDF 155 KB] - 10/08/2019

Order for Final Distribution filed January 23 2020 [PDF 204 KB]


Motion Materials

Affidavit of Mark Skura sworn June 12, 2019 (Part I) [PDF 7.5MB]

Affidavit of Mark Skura sworn June 12, 2019 (Part II) [PDF 7.5MB]

Letter to Mr. Van de Mosselaer and Bearstone Environmental Solutions Inc. dated June 12, 2019 [PDF 96KB]

Application (Appointment of a Receiver and Manager) dated June 12, 2019 [PDF 45KB]

Letter to Commercial List Coordinate dated June 17, 2019 [PDF 30KB]

Adjournment Letter dated June 26, 2019 [PDF 22KB]

Affidavit of Gerry Kerkhoff sworn July 11, 2019 [PDF 2.7MB]

Letter to The Honourable Madam Justice G.A. Campbell dated July 17, 2019 [PDF 548KB]

Notice of Application July 17, 2019 [PDF 270KB]

Supplementary Affidavit of Gerry Kerkhoff sworn July 22, 2019 [PDF 63KB]

Letter to The Honourable Justice G.A. Campbell dated July 22, 2019 [PDF 67KB]

Adjournment Letter dated July 23, 2019 [PDF 20KB]

Notice of Application filed July 30, 2019 [PDF 292KB]

Receiver's Certificate filed August 9, 2019 [PDF 96KB]

Notice of Application dated January 23, 2020 [PDF 46KB]


Service List

Service List dated July 17, 2019 [PDF 141KB]

Service List dated July 30, 2019 [PDF 198KB]

Service List dated January 13, 2020 [PDF 32KB]


Receiver's Reports

First Report of the Proposed Receiver [PDF 1.9MB]

Second Report of the Proposed Receiver [PDF 1.6MB]

First Report of the Receiver [3.4 MB]

Second Supplemental Report of the Receiver [65 KB]

Second Confidential Supplemental Report [PDF 3.2 MB]

Second Report of the Receiver dated Jan 13, 2020 [PDF 640 KB]

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