Alliance Hanger inc.

Alliance Hanger inc.

Creditor and stakeholder information

Creditor and stakeholder information

On February 16, 2017, a creditor (the “Applicant”) of Alliance Hanger inc. (the “Debtor”) commenced court-supervised restructuring proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (the “CCAA”). On February 16, 2017, the Commercial Division of the Quebec Superior Court of the District of Montreal (the “Court”) has issued an order (the “Initial Order”) pursuant to the CCAA, which provides a stay of proceedings against the Debtor until March 17, 2017. Pursuant to the Initial Order, KPMG was appointed Monitor of the Debtor.Contact


Court Orders pursuant to CCAA

Initial Order [PDF 1.2 MB] - 2/16/2017

Claims Procedure Order [PDF 1 MB] - 2/16/2017

Order for the filing of the amended plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization, the calling of a creditors' meeting and the extension of the stay period [PDF 2.5 MB] - 03/09/2017

Order for the sanction of the re-amended plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization and other related orders [PDF 4.4 MB] - 04/11/2017


Motion Materials

Application for a Claims Procedure Order [PDF 1.5 MB] - 02/10/2017

Application for the Issurance of an Initial Order [PDF 4.4 MB] - 02/10/2017

Application for an Order for the Filing of the Plan of Compromise and calling of a Creditors' Meeting [PDF 8.4 MB] - 03/07/2017

Application for sanction of the amended plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization and other related orders [PDF 7.4 MB] - 04/03/2017


Monitor's Report

Pre-Filing Report of the Proposed Monitor [PDF 1.1 MB] - 02/14/2017

First report of the Monitor [PDF 2.3 MB] - 03/09/2017

Second report of the Monitor [PDF 109 KB] - 03/27/2017

Third Report of the Monitor [PDF 1.6 MB] - 4/10/2017


Notice to Stayed Parties

Notice to Stayed Parties [PDF 186 KB] - 02/20/2017

List of Stayed Parties [PDF 7 KB]

Affected Creditors List [PDF 19 KB]


Claims Procedure

Instructions Letter [PDF 64 KB]

Proof of Claim Form [PDF 65 KB]


Plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization

Amended plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization [PDF 2.7 MB] - 03/17/2017

Re-amended plan of compromise, arrangement and reorganization [PDF 26.2 MB] - 04/10/2017


Creditors' meeting

Notice of creditors' meeting [PDF 23 KB] - 03/17/2017

Proxy form [PDF 21 KB] - 03/17/2017



List of creditors and distribution [PDF 10 KB] - 05/05/2017



Certificate of implementation [PDF 1 MB] - 04/20/2017

Certificate of performance [PDF 1 MB] - 05/08/2017

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