Jim Newton

Audit Partner, Financial Institutions and Co-Chair, Board Leadership Centre


KPMG in Canada

Jim is the Lead Audit Partner for some of Canada’s largest financial institutions. During his over 30 years of experience at KPMG, he served as National Banking Audit Leader and Group Leader of the financial institutions audit practice in Toronto. He has deep understanding of accounting, audit and internal control, audit committee responsibilities and corporate governance, and is part of the GTA Chapter Executive with the Institute for Corporate Directors (ICD). He currently serves as co-chair of KPMG in Canada’s Board Leadership Centre (BLC) and works closely with CPA Canada on development of the annual Audit Committee Conference and the Audit Committee Certificate program.

Jim previously chaired the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Internal Control Reporting Task Force, which developed financial reporting internal control standards. As a Partner at KPMG’s Global Services Center in the U.S., he led the development of KPMG’s global framework for financial statement and internal control audit methodologies and training programs related to the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Jim also served on a Task Force of the highly regarded Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), which provides thought leadership on enterprise risk management, internal control and fraud deterrence.

Jim was proud to be the Chair of the Board for Diabetes Canada and the co-founder and former co-chair of KPMG’s National Partner for Life program with Canadian Blood Services.

  • Audit
  • Banking
  • Financial Services
  • B.Comm., University of Toronto


  • Financial Statement Auditing

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

  • Internal Control Audit and Advisory Services

  • IT Auditing