Clients face an increasingly complex and changing regulatory environment with the costs and consequences of non-compliance greater than ever. Effective compliance results in better outcomes for our clients, their customers and shareholders.

With broad industry knowledge our compliance and risk professionals help our clients maintain a compliant and sustainable business that protects the interests of their customers, staff, directors and other stakeholders.

The impact of conduct risk management

Effective conduct risk management should drive organisations from a profit driven business to one that places customer centricity at its heart to improve trust in the industry, customer outcomes and market growth. Regulators have been clear that conduct is at the heart of global regulatory strategy.

KPMG’s Conduct Risk team supports our clients to define, identify and help mitigate conduct risks in their business and embed conduct risk management into daily operations and existing risk management frameworks. With our support, our clients can harness the myriad drivers for change and turn risk into opportunity.

How can we help

We work with our clients on a wide variety of regulatory and compliance challenges, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Compliance framework & function maturity assessment;
  • Compliance function support – Compliance Advisory, Monitoring & Assurance; and
  • Data Privacy & protection regulatory compliance.

Thought Leadership

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