Edward Fitzgerald

Head of Healthcare

KPMG in Bermuda

Dr Ed Fitzgerald is a medical doctor with 20 years’ experience in health practice and management. He has a deep knowledge of healthcare delivery across providers and systems globally, with personal experience gained from working in 30 countries on over 60 occasions.

Dr. Ed Fitzgerald previously spent two years working as the Global Healthcare Executive to KPMG’s Global Head of Healthcare, Mark Britnell, and is a member of KPMG’s global care system redesign network. This helps him share best-practice insights with clients globally.

Ed originally qualified in medicine from the University of Oxford, and his advisory work now focuses on care system redesign and integrated care, hospital operational improvement, workforce and clinical engagement, and digital health.

Ed provides leading global thinking to guide our healthcare work, including authoring our ‘COVID-19: Recovery and Resilience’ report and ‘Creating a Culture of Excellence’, KPMG’s landmark global study on implementing and sustaining continuous improvement in healthcare. Working with 20 health leaders from 15 organisations in 8 countries, this helped design our unique approach. He is adept and highly credible in communicating with senior leaders and clinicians. His extensive research and policy experience includes over 200 academic publications, and he played a central role in pioneering collaborative health quality and outcome research networks globally. He is the recipient of several awards for his work, including the Royal Society of Medicine's Tanner Medal, and the Royal College of Surgeons'​ Margaret Witt Scholarship.

Prior to KPMG, Ed worked with Professor Atul Gawande’s global health NGO ‘Lifebox’, where his fieldwork provided a practical knowledge of healthcare in emerging economies. He is a Visiting Lecturer in the Centre for Global Health at Kings College London.

His recent work covers a broad range of strategy, policy and operational projects across healthcare, including:

  • Supporting Bermuda’s Hospitals Board and Ministry of Health in developing a new integrated healthcare strategy for the island.
  • Seconded to NHS England as Head of the NHS Integrated Care System Accelerator, leading a team delivering an intensive 6-month programme of hands-on support to help local healthcare providers bridge the gap to becoming integrated care systems
  • Developed the NHS STP/ICS Workforce Readiness Tool to support workforce development across integrated care systems as part of the forthcoming NHS People Plan
  • Delivering NHS hospital operational improvement, providing service reviews for a UK island, including options for pathway redesign
  • Developing a new multidisciplinary frailty pathway for a London Borough and Clinical Commissioning Group, bridging acute and community providers, including establishing a clinical reference group and organising regional patient consultations
  • Co-designing a new NHS Vanguard integrated care model for a multispecialty community provider, assisting them in successfully obtaining further investment from NHS England
  • Supporting a regional Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) submission for integrated care, reviewing clinical, operational and financial sustainability across seven specialties in three acute hospital providers
  • Leading an NHS community healthcare trust analysis, identifying 5% of patients generating nearly 50% of the contact activity, and benchmarking key workforce, IT and logistic issues for prioritisation
  • BA (Hons)

  • BM BCh (Oxon),

  • MSc, FRSPH

  • General Medical Council registration no. 6076528, MSP® Certification

  • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

  • Experienced medical doctor providing clinical insights globally

  • Expertise in care system redesign and integration, digital healthcare, and operational excellence.