Tax Services

Tax Services

Our Tax professionals combine international experience with local knowledge to provide viable commercial tax strategies.

Tax Services

Our Tax professionals combine international experience with local knowledge to provide viable commercial tax strategies tailored to address clients' specific needs. We strive to bring value by customizing tax strategies to fit within different industry, legal and financial frameworks and help to optimize direct and indirect tax exposure. We help organizations align their business structure in a more tax efficient manner.

Our services include:

International tax services: Our professionals help domestic Bahraini companies investing abroad manage their tax risks and structure their group efficiently for tax purposes.

FATCA and CRS: Our professionals use tried and tested methodologies to help clients with the many tax aspects related to the United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the more widely adopted Common Reporting Standards for tax (CRS).

Global mobility services: Our global mobility service caters to the needs of international expatriates in Bahrain who have tax reporting obligations in their home countries. We also support companies who second staff to other countries for extended periods of time.

VAT: With the upcoming introduction of VAT into the region, we help clients understand the potential impact on their businesses and implement the necessary changes to become VAT compliant.

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