Take your organization to unexpected places

Our world is changing. Opportunities pass us by every day, hidden amidst change and disruption.

Successful organizations are those who consistently demonstrate the foresight, agility and speed which our new reality demands. Businesses across all industries and markets now need to transform at pace, building a future with digital at its heart.

KPMG Ignition helps you to do this. It brings together insights, people and technology to spark innovation and deliver the lasting change needed to thrive in today’s world. Ignition helps you to see beyond the now, sensing opportunities and possibilities for newer, faster, and better outcomes for your business.

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What we do

Ignition curates experiences using a combination of talent, environment, assets, and methods tailored to help you reframe complex problems into future opportunities, and drive value from innovation. Bringing together value architects from across the firm, we’ll work alongside your team to co-create and problem-solve. Once we’ve defined the problem and the vision, we’ll use this combination to create specific outcomes for your business.

1. Vision

We help you envision your ‘anywhere’ with unconventional speed and insight

Where others carefully navigate change and stop at uncertainty, Ignition helps you confidently move beyond.

Vision: Define your North Star, clarify or affirm your purpose and translate both into actionable business strategy for the enterprise, function, or issue. Enhance the impact and effectiveness of teaming through a shared experience that brings your team together to set strategy; gain relevant context (through strategic intelligence); translate insights into implications for your business; and collaborate on actionable commitments.

Acceleration: Tackle those pressing endeavors that require the attention and commitment of senior leadership, stakeholder alignment, accelerated design, and mobilization across a business function, business unit, or enterprise at unconventional speed.

You will move forward with:

  • Focus: establish your target, maximize your potential, and prioritize high-value initiatives aligned to a North Star
  • Value: unlock new forms of value by improving your effectiveness, efficiency, and execution
  • Speed: change management is antiquated; understand how to sequence change through investments, technology, people, and processes

2. Innovate

We help you invest like a VC, act like a startup and think like an enterprise

Innovation Advisory: We help you build and evolve your innovation culture and capabilities. We take a collaborative approach to define and create a self-sustaining model for innovation supported by an immersive, hands-on approach to design-thinking, doing, teaching, and coaching.

Business Model Innovation: Today, innovation is happening on a steep, exponential curve. To survive, companies need to navigate the complex problems that arise from high levels of disruption and uncertainty. How does your business model keep pace? We understand the signals of change, explore the possibility space, identify opportunities and develop scenarios, and simulate strategic responses (wargaming), before testing strategies through rapid experimentation.

Startup by Design: A designed approach aimed at identifying the greatest opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape and designing successful ventures to capitalize on them. We work with early-adopter clients to embed as a ‘startup’ in residence, to drive innovation from the inside-out. With clients who are playing catch-up, we can be an accelerator to kick-start large-scale transformations through phase 0 engagements.

Experiment by Design: Most prototyping capabilities focus on building a solution rapidly—the minimum viable product (MVP). Today, technical feasibility is rarely an unknown. “Can we build it?” isn’t the important question to answer. More often than not, the focus should be on the other dimensions of uncertainty—desirability, viability, or scalability. We bring a disciplined approach to experimental design, far outstripping traditional rapid prototyping. Beyond typical visual prototyping, we build and test every aspect of your business and operating model.

3. Lead

We help prominent leaders succeed at pivotal moments for the enterprise, whether it’s a new role, vision, mandate, scale, or team

The KPMG Ignition Executive Program is a customized experience that will help you as you move through a critical moment—such as an executive transition, transformation efforts, M&A activities, or planning for a new fiscal year. Through this program, you will have an opportunity to work with subject matter professionals and your team to define your path forward.

Visioning: Help our executives explore the future, set their forward-looking vision, and create a plan to execute that vision.

Coaching: Create space for our executives to reflect on their careers, identify areas of strength, explore barriers, and align around steps to move towards the leader they want to be.

Learning: Advise on various new functional topics and how these changes in the market may impact your industry and business.

Impacting: Explore ESG—whether that be basic learning experiences, ESG visioning, or board alignment—create a plan to move your organization forward as the need to focus on ESG increases.

4. Analyze

We elicit a deeper understanding of the role and value data science should play in creating smart, scalable, sustainable solutions

Art of the Possible: Connect leading-edge data and analytics techniques to their relevance in critical issues explored in a wider business context.

Education: Implementation of any technology involves extensive definition of the “why” and “how”. Some leaders—typically those outside of direct technology responsibilities—need more of the “what”, especially when approaching emerging technologies, such as Advanced Analytics, Automation, Data Management, or Decision Science. We introduce and ground understanding of these technologies and how you can benefit.

Solutioning: We provide a deeper and targeted review of a curated set of technology solutions tied together by an overarching framework relevant to a particular business function or sector. This review typically incorporates a maturity assessment to surface alignment, understanding, and gaps in order to design a forward-looking vision and roadmap.

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Who we are

As a leading professional services firm, KPMG has domain knowledge and experience in market-leading industries, sectors, technologies, alliances, capabilities, and solutions. Using advanced capabilities and services from across KPMG, Ignition curates bespoke experiences that show you how you can take your organization further.

Our mission

All businesses have to start somewhere, but with the pace of innovation in today’s market changing who, how and where we work at an unprecedented rate, it can be difficult for organizations to know where to go next or how to get there. Making the right decisions at the right time has never been more complex—or more critical—across business, operating, financial, and human capital models. Our mission is to help businesses reframe complex problems into future opportunities to unlock new forms of value. 

How we think

We recognize that every business challenge can be different, from mindset to maturity to trajectory. We meet you wherever you are in your business journey, embracing your drive for change and your envisioned destination. And, when it comes to problem-solving for your business, we think differently and we work differently. Because unconventional perspectives lead to unconventional insight.

Frame: We Think Differently

Our professionals, described as value architects, help our clients reframe their problem by looking at the multitude of opportunities when problem-solving. By taking a horizontal approach, we enable the widest-possible view, assessing every angle and arriving at the greatest value for our clients.

Skill: We Work Differently

Our capabilities represent a blend of art and science. Our diverse team invent, combine, and create new value to help clients achieve their defined outcomes, at unconventional speeds.

Solve: To Produce Differentiated Results

Whatever your challenges, we’ll collaborate with you to devise a bespoke approach designed to drive newer, faster, and better outcomes for your business that exceed enterprise and market expectations.

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Why choose us

As a trusted advisor, Ignition will meet you wherever you are in your business journey.

Using our visionary thinking and state-of-the-art tools to harness the unknown, we’ll give you the confidence to change your perspective on how far your business can go. Every step of the way, we’ll enable the collaboration necessary to co-create defined outcomes for your business with measurable impact. Ignition curates experiences using a combination of talent, environment, assets, and methods tailored to help you reframe complex problems into future opportunities, and drive value from innovation. Bringing together value architects from across the firm, we’ll work alongside your team to co-create and problem-solve. Once we’ve defined the problem and the vision, we’ll use this combination to create specific outcomes for your business.

Rooted in experiental...

Three core concepts drive our problem-solving strategies:

... Resulting in success

Ultimately, clients are armed with the vision, strategy, and high-level roadmap to transform their business.