Effectively identifying, integrating and managing third-parties to increase speed to market, reduce costs, mitigate risks and supplement capability gaps in delivering the customer promise are goals key for the Connected Enterprise.

Building partnerships and alliances can help your company deliver a competitive edge. By finding the right partners and establishing effective communication and data sharing, you’ll extend your business’s growth into new markets. The success of these partnerships will require a more fluid, flexible model of business for your company, people and systems.

You can create that environment by building networks of partners and alliances, ensuring their systems can talk to each other through application programming interfaces (APIs) and carefully managing how everything works seamlessly together.


Key considerations

  • How can you identify partners, alliances and vendors to fill capability gaps?
  • Is your approach to shared services cost efficient and consistent?
  • Do you have a defined, efficient and risk-reducing onboardingprocess?
  • How can you certify and monitor partners’ performance and continued understanding of your mission? 


How can we help?

Developing a strategy to build and manage a strategic network of partnerships and alliances.  
Identifying ideal potential partners to boost your business goals –and building interfaces between multiple systems.  
Navigating the complex world of data protection, cybersecurity and the small print involved in your transactions with partners and customers.  
Objectively assessing how effectively your current outsourcing providers are leveraging digital laborsolutions and providing valuable insight into future options.


Client story

Fast food leader trims the fat

A client was up against it –growing competition, pressures to restructure management, a fragmented, inefficient approach to administrative services, and Wall Street demanding improved shareholder returns.

Management knew what needed to be done. They also knew they needed a team of specialists with the experience, background and know-how to turn their insights into reality. That’s when a KPMG member firm was called to help. They provided the strategy, design and assistance with implementation of a Global Business Services transformation based on service centralization, outsourcing and automation. Through this work, the client is now on the road to becoming a stronger, leaner and far more agile player in a highly competitive marketplace.

We are always on your side.