Digital disruption and rising customer expectations are creating unforgiving markets in which customer loyalty is hard to win and easy to lose. If your organization can’t deliver what customers want, when and where they want it, you’ll find them quickly turning to someone who can. But there’s no point in creating a groundbreaking customer experience if the new business model is not fit for purpose.

KPMG Belgium’s Customer, Sales & Marketing Advisory practice offers services to help you achieve profitable and sustainable growth through customer-first thinking.

Our service offering take a fully-configured approach that puts your customer at the center of every business decision you make. The KPMG plan is built on four pillars: a distinct customer experience, consistent sales excellence, thoughtful and strategic marketing excellence and unmistakable service excellence.

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Customer experience excellence

Successful companies align every function with the customer experience, from supply chain to operations, manufacturing to logistics, and customer service to finance.

Aligning business and business models means mapping your customer journey and making the right decisions in terms of segmentation, pricing, channels, and distribution. In an agile, data-driven and customer-centric organization, every employee is trained, coached, measured, and rewarded for meeting customer expectations.

Our Customer, Sales & Marketing Advisory practice can help you keep track of what your customers really want and value. We guide you on how to organize your business around the real needs of your customers, and how to keep pace with their changing demands. 

Customer-driven strategy

We can help you adapt to structural shifts and changing customer needs, access new and unmet revenue and profit pools, enter new markets and segments in a short time-frame, develop and commercialize innovative products to grow or attract new customers and increase loyalty.

We design and re-design business models from a balanced customer, operational excellence and financial returns viewpoint.

We have developed specific expertise in setting up platforms and multi-sided platforms. 


Customer and User experience re-design

Getting customer experience design right is a critical success factor for any organization, making or breaking customer loyalty and distinguishing you from your competitors. As markets change, and customer expectations evolve, it’s time to reconsider whether your organization is still delivering true customer experience excellence.

Taking another look means analyzing, improving and iterating relevant customer processes. You can do this by leveraging the newest concepts of semantic analysis, process mining and engagement metrics. We’ll support you each step of the way, so that you can focus on acquiring and converting customers with differentiation and superior purchasing experiences. We use advanced customer experience and customer journey mapping to identify possible points of friction and improvement. Doing this combines the customer experience viewpoint with an exploration of employee stress reduction concepts, as well as applying cost reduction and lean management principles at every step of the process.

This combination of customer, employee, and company perspectives is rather unique in the market, enabling us to turn every customer experience challenge into a structural improvement project. 


Customer feedback and voice of the customer

To stay up-to-date with what customers really want and value, we operate a broad range of customer feedback and customer understanding techniques.

We conduct semantic analysis on client conversations, complaints records and other speech-to-text data. We set-up customer feedback surveys, track experiences at customer journey touchpoints and use customer engagement analytics through various business intelligence tools.

Concurrently, we run a series of KPMG funded research projects of which the Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) survey is the most important one, involving over 100,000 consumers to give feedback on the perception of specific brands, including a broad range of Belgium-based companies. 


Concept testing & iterative improvement

Concept testing provides vital information needed to help guide your future product and service offering. You can pursue growth-driven design by continually evaluating and fine-tuning programs, as well as conducting experiments and proof-of-concept work to test the impact of potential improvements and alternative approaches.

We support companies from a wide range of sectors in developing new products and services and making changes to their current product and service offering. Our methodologies range from customer interviewing and features testing to setting-up social media response sounding campaigns and involvement of neuro-linguistic observations.


Connected Enterprise & Connected Customer

The Customer Sales Marketing practice is a key player in the KPMG Connected Enterprise approach.

Connected Enterprise is a business transformation approach that has been developed based on Forrester Research on what makes digital, customer, data and operational transformation work.

The Connected Enterprise model covers eight domains that are approached through different lenses, such as the customer perspective, the employee perspective, the operational efficiency perspective and the supply chain perspective.

The model is internationally supported by KPMG and comes with a broad range of industry-specific benchmarks and implementation insights.

Applying the Connected Enterprise concept allows companies to radically increase the success rate of complex transformations and allows to apply a step-by-step approach, building on early-on wins and allowing your organization to adapt to the principles of customer and digital-first business practices.

> Discover our full Connected Enterprise approach.

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Sales advisory

Do you struggle to find the balance between navigating changes in the customer and competitive landscape while adapting your commercial target operating model? You’re not alone. Many companies are experiencing difficulties when it comes to ensuring they have the information they need for confident decision-making when it comes to sales strategy and execution.

The ‘customer is king’ adage has never been more relevant than now, and this leads to challenging questions for sales teams and strategists. How do you assess the role of sales when marketing generates leads and determine the added value of a sales call when customers prefer to order online? How can you meet the expectations of customers that expect 24/7 service? How to achieve sales targets when the customer is in control of the selling process?

Our experienced sales advisory teams are here to help, with the latest insights and services designed to support you as you align your organization’s approach to increasingly demanding markets.

Go-to-market strategies and rollout

Want to build a seamless and consistent customer experience across your omni-channel, go-to-market, and service models? Our advisory teams can support you at every step along the way, from planning and strategy to rollout, evaluation and modification.

Sales maturity scans

We conduct efficiency audits on your sales division by reviewing the current way of selling and advising you on how to introduce relevant lean sales concepts, how to organize your sales functions and how to find the right balance between insourcing and outsourcing critical tasks.

Sales processes & organization design

With our support, you can transform and accelerate your sales adaptation by aligning your sales organization with changes in customer interaction. This includes ensuring that all platforms and processes that customers might want to buy through are optimized and seamless. We also look at ways to structurally improve the performance of your sales teams, lead generation departments, and key account management teams.

Key account management

We have specific expertise in B2B sales and in future-proofing your key account management approach, from identifying the right key accounts to spend resources on to improving the reliability of contracting and ordering volumes. 

CRM & technology enabled business transformation

Using CRM, marketing technology, Orchestration Software and a customer-centric digital infrastructure, we help companies build a technological foundation to gain customer insight and predict future behavior, so that you can sell and serve efficiently. We do this by leveraging the power of AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to automate lead generation and customer growth strategies.

We have specific expertise related to the application of Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, ServiceNow and a broad range of marketing automation tools.

Algorithmic targeting

By leveraging a wide range of static and dynamic data - from publicly available financials, news, web scraping, social media analysis, and input from external repositories - we help you to build models so that you can effectively predict demand for products and services at the enterprise level. 

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Marketing advisory

Marketing organizations are under constant pressure to develop data-backed, customer-centric strategies that generate a return on investment, drive growth and increase customer loyalty.

Today's marketing leaders must apply a budget discipline mindset to determine how to effectively allocate brand spend, improve the customer experience (despite competing priorities), create meaningful interactions, move visitors down the conversion funnel and scale marketing efforts.

At the same time marketing is becoming increasingly complex. In 2011, you could choose between around 150 marketing software and technology tools to organize your marketing function. That number has rapidly expanded, and you can now choose from over 8.000 different tools, all offering interesting features to digitize marketing, gain insights in customer behavior and to automate the marketing function – including tools to write very acceptable copy and create very effective campaign imaging.

Navigating this complex landscape isn’t always easy. That’s why we’re focused on helping our clients to clearly understand which marketing technology to use, which customer data strategies to apply and how to apply concepts such as dynamic segmentation and relationship orchestration.

We work together with internationally-renowned specialists in martech stack assessment and integration, as well as with the global community driving concepts related to customer data platforms (CDP) and signals-driven triggering of marketing, sales and service concepts.

Our Customer, Sales & Marketing Advisory practice can help your marketing organization to engage and delight your customers by capitalizing on key market trends, making the most of innovative technology, leveraging the proliferation of data sources, improving marketing processes and achieving excellence in marketing execution. 

Marketing maturity scans

No matter how well-established your marketing function, there’s always room to evolve and grow your organization’s capabilities. Our experienced teams can help you identify ways to adapt your marketing function by conducting efficiency audits, reviewing the current way of organizing marketing activities and introducing lean marketing concepts. We also support you by advising on the practical organization of your marketing department, helping you find the right balance between insourcing and outsourcing critical tasks.

Marketing process & organization design

Customer loyalty is one of the biggest challenges facing any marketing organization. Your team needs to be designed to flexibly develop creative on- and offline campaigns that capture potential customers’ attention as well as implementing new perspectives that help you to nurture and grow your existing key accounts. Our experts can support you with cutting-edge insights into how to improve your marketing process and organizational design so that you’re always ready to respond to the latest market developments.

Market research & concept testing

More than ever, information is a key competitive advantage for your organization. That’s why we offer standalone analytical services for various fields, as well as complex market analyses as part of our consulting services. Our analysis approach ranges from market analysis and assistance in entering a new market segment, region or industry, as well as competitive landscape analysis - including competitor profile analysis, market development outlook analysis or benchmarking analysis for any data.

Value proposition design

Are you looking to future-proof your organization by analyzing and enhancing your customer value proposition so that it stands out from your competition? Based on decades of experience in this field and supported by extensive annual global research, KPMG operates a number of top-notch frameworks to help you align your customer experience with your operating model.

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Customer service advisory

Today's consumers, empowered and enlightened by digitalization, have increased expectations for choice, personalization, flexibility, speed and transparency. In the race to meet their needs, many companies are struggling to compete on the basis of customer experience without increasing operational costs and cutting into shareholder value.

We can help you plan, design and execute a cost-effective customer service strategy while increasing revenue through improved customer loyalty and advocacy.

Intelligent interactions

We've developed a pragmatic approach to optimizing contact center efficiency. Our vision on the future of service has been developed in collaboration with our clients. Our approach is complimented by a number of design principles and best practices that combine customer satisfaction and good NPS scores with call center agent job satisfaction and a significant reduction of the cost-to-serve.

We set up test environments to experiment with reducing the causes of customer calls and requests for support by removing the root cause of the problem. This includes offering engagement with self-care and conversation bots to digitally-confident clients, while creating extra time for quality and no-hurry calls with clients who are less digitally-savvy or who have issues that require personal interaction. 

Customer service maturity scan

A customer service maturity scan is key to assessing the efficiency of your customer service function and identifying opportunities for improvement. We can support you by conducting efficiency diagnostics on the customer service function, reviewing your current way of organizing customer service activities and introducing lean concepts. Our experienced teams also advise on the practical organization of your customer service department, helping you find the right balance between insourcing and outsourcing critical tasks.

Cost-to-serve reduction & CX/OX balancing

Mastering the economics of customer experience isn’t always a straightforward exercise. How do you consistently develop business cases for customer investment that your CFO will find credible? We can guide and support you by configuring financial and customer data to predict return on investment and customer value, so that you can be confident that your investment proposals are grounded in evidence that speaks for itself.

Service process re-design

The Front Office of the future relies on six common capabilities: metrics, data, analytics, automation, culture, and organizational structure. But it’s not enough simply to tick the boxes, you also need to ensure that these capabilities work harmoniously together to achieve the most efficient service process possible. Our teams can support you in (re-)designing your service process, making your life easier, so that you can focus on your customers.

Service organization re-design

Want to improve your digital and website interactions for an efficient and customer-friendly online experience? Let us help you transform your web and social media interactions with your customers, designing and deploying a social media-specific "tone-of-voice" that distinguishes you from your competition and creates a deeper connection with your customers.