Our latest IFRS Today podcast offers clear and concise points for companies to consider in preparing their year-end financial statements.

Hosted by Brian O’Donovan, this episode addresses these uncertain times and delivers insights from KPMG specialists on a range of topics – including climate-related risks and connectivity, valuation and impairment, implications of the new global top-up tax, disclosing material accounting policies and, finally, how the new insurance contracts standard is playing out in practice.

Podcast contents

00:00 Introduction Brian O’Donovan, Global IFRS Leader, KPMG International Standards Group
01:45 Climate-related risks and connectivity Sinéad Slattery, IFRS Technical Director, KPMG International Standards Group
05:35 Valuation and impairment Avi Victor, IFRS Technical Director, KPMG International Standards Group
08:45 Income taxes Irina Ipatova, Associate Partner, KPMG International Standards Group
12:45 Presentation – Disclosing material accounting policies Gabriela Kegalj, Partner, KPMG in Canada
15:45 Insurance contracts Bob Owel, Associate Partner, KPMG International Standards Group
18:25 Closing comments Brian O’Donovan

Geopolitical events, climate pressures, new financial reporting requirements – all combined with sky-high stakeholder expectations – mean no-one can just roll forward last year's annual report and update the numbers.

Brian O’Donovan,
Global IFRS Leader,
KPMG International Standards Group

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