On Thursday, 22 June our second webinar on the upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) regulation took place.

In this event, we focused on the ICT risk management pillar of the DORA regulation, which outlines the requirements for managing information and communication technology (ICT) risks within financial institutions. We discussed the key components of a successful ICT risk management program, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring. Our specialists shared insights and best practices for establishing effective ICT risk management frameworks, and we explored how ServiceNow’s IRM and BCM solutions can support these activities.

Typical IRM transformation challenges:

  1. Clearly define the ambitions and desired level of maturity – Harmonize the processes and way of working across the organization
  2. Make sure to involve all 3 lines of defense in the definition of the ambition and the end-to-end process
  3. Identify at the start which technology can support your process, and try to stick to the standard
  4. Start with a pilot process and/or team, and gradually rollout further across the organization
  5. Change management is key to ensure the adoption of the new way of working by the teams in your organization

Relive the webinar

Navigating the IT Risk landscape with ServiceNow – Thursday, 22 June 2023

If you missed the webinar or would like to revisit it, we invite you to watch the recording and download the slides.


  • The journey of DORA
  • DORA ICT Risk Management area deep dive
  • Integrated Risk Management & ServiceNow
  • ServiceNow demo
  • Recap and next topics

Watch the recording

Please select your preferred topic(s) by clicking on the corresponding video(s). Should you have any further questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach out to our experts.

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