Even before COVID-19 entered our lives, the pace of disruption in recent years has made leaders eager to create more resilient and agile organizations able to adapt swiftly to ever-changing circumstances.

As companies continue to tackle a constant state of ‘business as unusual’, the focus on business resilience is accelerating technologies that help rapidly flex their operational and business models.

Eight out of 10 leaders taking part in a KPMG-commissioned survey conducted by Forrester Consulting say their organizations are leveraging collaboration tools and cloud computing, to become a more resilient enterprise while enabling their digital transformation.

These investments, focused on agility and resilience, are in line with a broader move towards customer centricity, supporting digital interactions and commerce, agile supply chains and manufacturing, and more collaborative working with employees and partners. Collaboration tools, cloud and IoT support remote working, tele-health and tele-education, further enabled by 5G.

Key technology that organizations are investing in

Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG, July 2020

Resilience - Anthony Van de Ven


The COVID-19 difference: investing in value and resilience via a connected enterprise

KPMG has identified eight key capabilities inherent in a connected enterprise, where functional silos are broken down, and every part of the organization is focused, and works together, to meet customer expectations, create business value and drive resilient and sustainable growth.

Evolving into a digitally connected enterprise can increase resilience to future shocks and disruption, and give companies the speed and agility to adapt to changing customer demands. Research shows that firms that make a moderate or significant investment in all eight capabilities are 2.1x times as likely to deliver a customer experience that exceeds expectations, and achieve ROI on one or more metrics.*

*Base: 1,299 professionals involved with customer-centric strategy decisions Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG, September 2018

Digital transformation priorities across the eight capabilities of a connected enterprise

Base: 780 professionals involved with digital transformation strategy decisions Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of KPMG, July 2020

Discover more

To acquire greater resilience, companies should look beyond immediate challenges, and invest in capabilities that bring longer-term competitive advantage. KPMG can help you target customer-centric investments, producing data and insights that drive informed decision-making.