How confident are you that your organization’s fraud risk management processes are holding up against global leading practices and new ways of working? Are you in control of your third-party risks? What impact do new laws and regulations have on your business and how do you manage the challenges of regulatory compliance?

These are some of the many issues businesses are increasingly dealing with on a daily basis. Now, more than ever, organizations are impacted by corporate fraud and misconduct, by dependencies on unfamiliar business partners, by complex supply and distribution channels, as well as increasingly complex legislation and regulations… all of which can undermine confidence and attract regulatory intervention as well as negative media attention.

On this page, you can explore our insights on risks and trends in various areas within the forensic domain, such as fraud and misconduct, whistleblowing, third-party risk, contract governance, anti-bribery & corruption, etc. The articles aim to help you achieve the highest level of integrity and compliance, as well as to lower your economic losses and operational risks to the extent possible.


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