Independent, quality financial statement audits

KPMG member firms can provide independent audit services designed to enhance the reliability of information prepared by clients for use by investors, creditors and other stakeholders, including country-specific statutory requirements. Audit services also include a range of other forms of attestation reports.

Our audit opinion is the result of a powerful combination of professional integrity, independence and ethical behaviour, underpinned by rigorous quality control procedures. This approach is supported by tools that assist our teams to access knowledge, focus on the issues that affect our audit judgments and help to improve the efficiency of the audit. The overall result is an independent and incisive view attesting the quality of the information provided.

Our enhanced audit methodology features substantive testing, strong analytical tools, industry insights, and a deep focus on internal control as well as fraud and enterprise risks. This enables us to convert information into insights that our clients can use to manage risk, improve efficiency, measure performance and increase profitability.

Our Audit services: • Financial statements audit and limited reviews • Special purpose audits • Regulatory audits • Internal control system audit • IFRS and other accounting support

KPMG’s next generation global audit tool, eAudIT is now fully implemented, further improving our audit efficiency. 

Our industry experience provides us with a thorough understanding of our clients, their businesses and the challenges they face. Our multidisciplinary approach means our audit engagement teams include experienced professionals in such areas as forensic, internal control, information risk management, business transactions, tax and information technology. 

We can focus on key areas of risk, adequacy of internal controls and potential fraud, consistent with leading audit practices and international standards. 

In line with relevant EU and local legal requirements, we annually publish a Transparency Report, providing information about who we are, how we are organised and what quality and risk management processes and independence standards we follow to assure integrity and audit quality. We are confident that our Transparency Report helps enhance public confidence in us and in the audit reports we provide.



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