Consent to the processing of personal data for candidates for open positions


“Fərdi məlumatlar haqqında” Azərbaycan Respublikasının 11 may 2010-cu il tarixli 998-IIIQ nömrəli Qanununun tələblərinə uyğun olaraq / In pursuance of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Personal Data” № 998-IIIQ dated 11 May 2010 I hereby give my consent to Representative office of “KPMG Azerbaijan Limited” in the Republic of Azerbaijan and “KPMG Audit Azerbaijan” Limited Liability Company (address (location): AZ1010, Baku, Port Baku Business Center, South Tower, 12th floor, 153 Neftchiler Ave.) (hereinafter KPMG, operator) to the processing (including receipt from me and/or from any third parties) of my personal data (hereinafter Personal Data) and confirm that in giving said consent I am acting freely and on my behalf.

This consent applies to the following information:

  • first name, last name, patronymic (the latter – if any), including previous first name, last name, patronymic;
  • year, month, day and place of birth;
  • sex;
  • passport information or any other ID document;
  • contact information (phone number, including mobile and home phone number, email including personal email, registration address, residence address);
  • information about work experience, employment record and previous places of employment;
  • information on current position and place of employment;
  • information about preferred position, salaries and bonuses;
  • marital status, information about family composition and members;
  • citizenship;
  • information about education, professional development, retraining, performance appraisal, membership in a self-regulatory organization of auditors, appraisers and other professional certifications;
  • information about a person’s registration with the military authorities;
  • CV and biographical data, letters of reference;
  • information about social benefits, compensations, guarantees, pension and insurance;
  • a photo or video including a digital copy;
  • work permit and migration card details;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • other information that I have disclosed in my CV and (or) that KPMG may require for the purposes listed below.

This consent shall apply to any actions with respect to my Personal Data, which are required to achieve the purposes below including but not limited to: collection, classification, accumulation, storage, revision (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer), blocking, destruction, cross-border transfer to foreign countries (members of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, other countries that ensure / fail to ensure adequate protection of the rights of personal data subjects) and also the performance of any other actions with my Personal Data, with due account of effective legislation.

I give my consent to the processing of my Personal Data for the following purposes (confirm the marked goals): — promotion of employment with KPMG in Azerbaijan (migration services, if required, namely visa support, translation of necessary documents to foreign languages, etc.); — inclusion to KPMG talent pool - KPMG database containing information about candidates for opened positions, including Personal Data. Processing of Personal Data shall be performed by KPMG by applying the following main methods (but not limited to them): storage, recording on electronic media and their storage, marking and various forms of personal data processing (both automated and manual).

I hereby also agree that in order to achieve the above purposes my Personal Data can be transferred (provided confidentiality and protection of Personal Data is maintained during processing) to other member firms of KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. For more information about KPMG network of independent member firms see

I hereby recognize and confirm that, should it be necessary to submit the Personal Data to achieve the above purposes (provided confidentiality and protection of Personal Data is maintained during processing) to a third party (including external consultants) and equally in order to involve third parties in the provision of services for the above purposes, should it be necessary for KPMG to transfer its functions to another person, KPMG may disclose information about me personally in the amount required for the performance of the above actions, including my Personal Data, to said third parties, their agents and other persons duly authorized by them, and also provide corresponding documents containing such information to said persons. I also hereby recognize and confirm that I grant this consent to the third parties indicated above, with due account of corresponding changes, and that such third parties shall have the right to process my Personal Data on the basis of this consent.

In order to specify or obtain additional information about you requests to other organizations may by submitted, including your previous places of employment; when providing KPMG with details of such contact persons whom requests may be sent, the responsibility for obtaining their consent to processing such Personal Data rests with you.

I hereby agree that in order to ensure the operation of KPMG's career site, providing technical support to ensure its health and accessibility KPMG can attract contractor WITH THE BLOCK "APLEB" (INN 2130062202, legal address: 428018, Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, Cheboksary City, Nizhny Novgorod Street, House 6 Building 2, Room 4) and provide access to my Personal Data on the terms of their confidentiality and security.

This consent has been issued until achievement of the above purposes or my withdrawal of this consent. I have the right to withdraw my consent to the processing of Personal Data at any moment throughout its term of validity by: i sending a relevant written request to the operator's location address; ii sending a relevant request in electronic form to

Should the consent to the personal data processing be withdrawn (excluding the cases when personal data is processed without the subject’s consent on the grounds provided by legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan), the operator shall stop processing the personal data or ensure that personal data processing is stopped (if the processing of personal data is performed by a third party on behalf of the operator), or, in case the storage of Personal Data no longer needed for the above purpose, destroy such Personal Data or ensure their destruction (if the processing of Personal Data is performed by a third party on behalf of the operator) no later than 30 days after the request for withdrawal is received.