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Staying on top of regulatory and compliance changes and avoiding customer complaints or churn is vital for business.

KPMG Systems Vantage is a technology solution offering a single view of a customer journey throughout a product’s lifecycle. The interactive dashboard provides visibility over process performance to:

  • monitor compliance and control deficiencies in line with regulatory obligations
  • address product performance and process limitations affecting financial performance
  • measure processes against outcomes expected by customers.


What are the benefits?

    Easily identify process breakdowns and resolve them proactively

Compliance monitor for regulatory better practice

Continuous monitoring of event driven data to see where points of failure are occurring across the value chain.  

Improve bottom-line delivery

Highlights complex business process breakdowns early to reduce costs and improve efficiencies.

Visibility in customer outcomes

Avoid reputational risk with peace of mind your organisation has lived up to its customer promises.  

Improved customer experience 

Met expectations lead to fewer complaints, improved brand loyalty and customer advocacy.

Deep sector experience and support

Draw on our industry recognised1 risk specialists and unique methodology that translates regulation into automated, machine-readable business rules.

How does it work?

KPMG Systems Vantage is a visual ledger that proactively checks and validates events within systems and processes.

Dashboard screenshot of KPMG Systems Vantage

Enterprise view of process complianceTime series tracking provides an analysis of trends and the contributors of process failures over time. 

Visualise where issues exist in the journey Error detection allows you to inspect the root causes of failure via individual business rules – a structured and traceable approach to gathering insights.

Assess business impact 

  • Regulatory compliance best practice modelled through controls, risk, obligations ratings and taxonomies.
  • Full evidence capture for reporting, including tracing back to individual processes and customer outcomes.
  • Responds to situation or stimulus by triggering downstream alerting, action and automation systems.


Request a demo

Want a deeper dive? Get in touch to understand how KPMG Systems Vantage can help provide visibility and insights into your business' performance and compliance.

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How does KPMG Systems Vantage track governance, risk and compliance (GRC) issues?

KPMG Systems Vantage helps by capturing data insights into controls performance, configured to match your existing controls and taxonomies. This empowers first line business users to be responsible for risk and controls management activities. It also enables aggregated risk reporting at the second line.

How can I build customer trust through an enterprise customer risk monitoring technology solution?

KPMG Systems Vantage is configured to give deep insights into customer experience, which are cascaded back to support genuinely informed business decision-making. By implementing continuous monitoring into a business-as-usual model, KPMG Systems Vantage supports your organisation to live up to its customer promises.

What are the reputational risks of GRC non-compliance?

Ineffective GRC approaches can prevent management from using risk and compliance insights to drive decision making. Unmet customer expectations can add additional challenges into compliance strategies that exist to avoid and minimise penalty, reputational, operational and financial risks.

Does KPMG Systems Vantage use data mining to show visibility of non-compliance risks?

KPMG realises that an integrated risk ‘ecosystem’ of technologies can be used to highlight non-compliance risks. KPMG Systems Vantage gives the option of pre-built, future-ready process model content, while being capable of adopting details from other leading data and process mining tools.

[1] KPMG has been recognised as the Risk Management Consulting Firm of the Year by risk.net at the Asia Risk Awards 2022