Trade & Customs

Trade & Customs

KPMG's Trade & Customs professionals address intricate cross-border issues, drawing upon the local knowledge and experience of a network.

KPMG's Trade & Customs professionals address intricate cross-border issues.

KPMG Australia’s Trade & Customs (T&C) team assists clients identify cost-savings opportunities and manage trade compliance risks associated with supply chains and global trade operations. Our team is part of a global network of 80 KPMG Trade & Customs teams.

How KPMG can help

We work with clients to deliver value and efficiency for their business, including:

  • establishing and maintaining efficient cross-border operations keeping costs down to maintain strategic advantage, including using KPMG Data Analytics to identify costs savings and international trade risk
  • ensuring compliance with Australian laws and regulations associated with cross-border trade
  • customising trade processes and controls to a business unit, company, or industry
  • mitigating trade risk issues related to conducting cross-border business
  • assisting clients to become Australian Trusted Traders
  • advising on complex free trade agreement matters in Australia and across the ASPAC region
  • advising on excise duties and excise compliance
  • advising on Fuel Tax Credit matters.

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